Students must first complete an A.A.S. in Information Systems or Cybersecurity.

First Semester

CISC 3331 Overview of Computer and Information Science
GOVT 2305 United States Government
HIST 1301 United States History to 1877
ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation
  X4XX Life or Physical Science


Second Semster

CISC 3365 Machine Learning and AI
GOVT  2306 Texas Government
HIST 1302 United States History from 1877
KINE 1164 Intro to Physical Fitness & Sports I
  X4XX Life or Physical Science


Third Semester

CISC 3347 Computer Technology and Impact
CISC 4301 Database and Data Management
CISC 3351 Technical Documentation
ORGL 3322 Behavior, Ethics and Leadership I


Fourth Semester

CISC 4350 Management Information Systems
CISC 4340 Data Structures and Algorithms
CISC 4390 Seminar in Computer and Information Science
ORGL 3323 Leading High-Performance Teams


B.A.A.S. in Computer Science


Dr. Linda Robinson
Department Chair