Texas Success Initiative (TSI)

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is a state-legislated program designed to ensure that students have the skills in Reading, Writing, and Math to be successful with college level work. There are two major components of the program:

  • An assessment to diagnose students' basic skill in reading, writing, and mathematics, and
  • Developmental instruction, to strengthen academic skills that need improvement.

A student is exempt from all TSI requirements under any one of the following conditions:

  • The student has earned a bachelor’s degree or an associate’s degree from a regionally accredited Texas institution.
  •  The student is serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States, the Texas National Guard, or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and has been serving for at least three years preceding enrollment.
  • The student was honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States or the Texas National Guard or served as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States on or after August 1, 1990.
  •  The student is a non-degree-seeking (up to 9 credit hours of transferable coursework) or a certificate-seeking student.
  • SAT and ACT scores used to support an exemption must be less than five years old. (ACT & SAT scores are not required for admissions into СʪÃÃÊÓƵ; however, scores can be used to exempt a student from placement testing if standard is met.)
  • SAT score of at least 530 on the math portion is exempt from the math requirement.
  • SAT score of at least 480 on the evidence based reading and writing is exempt from the reading and writing requirements.
  • ACT score of at least 40 on the combined English and Reading tests is exempt from the reading and writing TSI requirements.
  • ACT score of at least 22 on the math section is exempt from the math TSI requirement.
  • STAAR Algebra II End of Course Exam with a level II score (4000)
  • STAAR Reading or Writing III End of Course Exam with a level II score (2000).
  • A student who has completed a TSI restricted course at another regionally accredited institution.
  • A student has attended another Texas institution and has been determined to have met readiness standards by that institution.

For more information about about the Texas Success Initiative and college placement requirements please contact an . 

To schedule a TSI exam:

Understanding TSI Scores:


(test date on or after January 11, 2021 – scores must be less than 5 years old)


Passing Score Option 1

Passing Score Option 2

English (Reading and Writing)

ELAR: 945 or higher and Essay: 5 or higher

ELAR: less than 945 and Diagnostic: 5 or higher and Essay: 5 or higher


Math: 950 or higher

Math: less than 950 and Diagnostic: 6