ADN Application Dates

Spring Semester:

Application packets to the Associate Degree Nursing program are accepted the first business day of May through the last business day of September. Contact the ADN Department for possible extentions.

Fall Semester:

Application packets to the Associate Degree Nursing program are accepted the first business day of December through the last business day of March. Contact the ADN Department for possible extentions.

ADN Evening/Weekend Program

Both campuses will accept students for the 4 sequential semesters (fall/spring/summer/fall) fast track program.  These classes are offered in the evening and/or weekends.  This program will only be offered in the fall.  All other information regarding the application time frame (follow the fall guidelines) and fees/costs are the same as the ADN program.  

Associate Degree Nursing

Students must apply to СʪƵ PRIOR to applying to the ADN Program. Submit the СʪƵ application via the Coyote Recruit website and official transcripts to the Office of Student Services. Student must meet TSI requirements. TSI can be taken at the WC Testing Center.

Application Requirements:

  • Health & Human Sciences application with transcripts (may be unofficial) from all colleges attended and passing TEAS scores.
  • Completion of all prerequisite courses: BIOL 2401, ENGL 1301, PSYC 2301, PSYC 2314.
  • GPA of 2.5 or above on prerequisite courses.
  • Science courses (BIOL 2401, BIOL 2402, and BIOL 2420) must have been taken within 5 years prior to admission. 
  • Completion of the TEAS entrance exam with a minimum score of 70% on the reading section. Additionally, the Adjusted Individual Total Score must be equal to or above 65.6%. The TEAS may be taken once every 30 days. 
  • Proof of first Hepatitis B immunization or positive titer with application.


BEFORE BEING ACCEPTED into any Allied Health/Nursing program, an applicant who's native language* is not English must submit an acceptable score on the TOEFL iBT by the end of the application period in which applicant is applying. Please review English Proficiency Requirement.

Waiting until closer to the deadline to apply could result in issues with completing the TEAS test at the Testing Center and long wait times to submit your application to the Nursing Department

Please note: The Testing Center will not administer the TEAS test during the month of August

Associate Degree Nursing 

Apply to СʪƵ via the Coyote Recruit website and meet TSI requirements. You must also provide the Office of Student Services with official transcripts from any other colleges attended. It is highly recommended that you consult with an to review your transcripts prior to application. 

Submit the following as a packet via mail and/or hand delivery to the Nursing Office during the application period (the address to submit is on the application):

  • Health & Human Sciences application 
  • Unofficial college transcripts will accompany your application. (Official college transcripts will be provided to Student Services with your СʪƵ Application)
  • ATI TEAS official test scores (itemized breakdown). All ATI TEAS exams may be taken through the СʪƵ Testing Center within 1 year of application.
  • Proof of first Hepatitis B immunization or positive titer.
  • Proof of Residency, if applicable.
  • Official TOEFL iBT scores, if applicable. Must be received by application deadline.


The nursing programs select their classes based on the following scoring methods listed below. This scoring system is used in an effort to be objective and to identify students with the clearest set of strengths to undertake the program. Students acquire points based on academic achievement and the entrance exam. Students satisfying entrance requirements with the highest cumulative scores are accepted until the available positions are filled.

Associate Degree in Nursing

(49 points maximum)

Prerequisite courses (BIOL 2401, ENGL 1301, PSYC 2301, and PSYC 2314) and co-requisite courses (BIOL 2402, BIOL 2420, and Humanities or Visual/Creative Arts elective) receive the following points: A = 4 points, B = 3 points, C = 1 point

The cumulative GPA of the prerequisite courses must be a 2.5 GPA or above.

Scores on the TEAS entrance exam receive the following points. The TEAS entrance exam must have a minimum score of 70% on the reading comprehension section. Additionally, the Adjusted Individual Total Score must be 65.6 or greater. TEAS scores must be within two months of application date. All TEAS exams must be taken through the СʪƵ Testing Center.

Adjusted Individual Total Score
65.6 - 69.9 = 1 point 83.0 - 86.9 = 8 points
70.0 - 77.9 = 2 points 87.0 - 89.9 = 11 points
78.0 - 82.9 = 5 points > 90 = 15 points

Three bonus points will be given for completion of 15 or more hours towards the BSN-track courses with a “C” or better and four bonus points will be given for completion of 25 or more hours towards the BSN-track courses with a “C” or better: ENGL 1302 or ENGL 2311, HIST 1301, HIST 1302, GOVT 2305, GOVT 2306, MATH 1342, SOCI 1301, SPCH 1311/1315/1321 or EDUC 1300, BIOL 1322, or CHEM 1411 or CHEM 1406, PSYC 2314, ELECTIVE X3XX (Creative Arts), Elective X3XX (Humanities or Visual/Creative Arts).

NOTE: One of the ADN co-requisite courses is either a Humanities or Visual/Creative Arts. Both are needed for the BSN track, so points will only be given if both courses are completed (one course as an ADN co requisite course, and the other towards the completion of the BSN-track).

Residency points will be given as follows: 2 points for Parker or Wise County; 1 point for Palo Pinto, Jack, or Hood County. Proof of residency will be required.

Once selected for admission to the nursing program, the student MUST submit documents in pdf format:  

  • Complete a criminal background check and provide clearance from the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) prior to the start of classes.
  • Obtain a TB screen test or chest x-ray (must be current within one year).
  • Obtain a urine drug screen.
  • Have a back/spine examination by a licensed physical therapist or physician.
  • Submit proof of up-to-date immunizations including TDAP (within the last ten years), MMR, influenza, and varicella.
  • Submit proof of major medical health insurance.
  • Provide proof of current American Heart Association Health Care Provider CPR.
  • Provide proof for Hepatitis B vaccines (two or three dose series) or a positive Hepatitis B titer.
  • Have a physical examination by a M.D., D.O., APRN, or PA

Information and forms needed for obtaining the above criteria will be available to the student upon acceptance to the program.

*A native language is a language that is acquired naturally during childhood and is usually spoken at home, as opposed to a language that is learned later in life, for example, as a part of a person's formal education.




Melanie Sharp
Program Director
Associate Degree Nursing
Number of Credits