СʪÃÃÊÓƵ provides computer and Internet resources to its students, faculty, and staff, as well as to the community, as a means of enhancing learning, efficiency, and productivity. Detailed acceptable Usage of the college provided Internet and Information resource-related computer systems is part of the СʪÃÃÊÓƵ Information Resources Security Management Program. Download the Acceptable Use Policy for Computer and Internet Resource (PDF)
The Internet
The use of the Internet must be consistent with the mission of СʪÃÃÊÓƵ, the policies of the College, and State and Federal Law. Access to the Internet over college computers is a privilege granted to users, and the College reserves the right to suspend this privilege if a user violates any acceptable use clause.
User Accounts
- All accounts, including email, are the property of СʪÃÃÊÓƵ. As such, any information associated with these accounts is not private. СʪÃÃÊÓƵ reserves the right to monitor and record all network activity including e-mail, with or without notice, and therefore users should have no expectations of privacy in the use of these resources.
- Accounts on any College-owned computer are limited to employees and current students. Access to College networks is restricted to СʪÃÃÊÓƵ faculty, currently enrolled students and СʪÃÃÊÓƵ staff.
- All authorized users are solely responsible for managing their files (including the files that constitute a web course) and their email. Accounts may be deleted when employment is terminated, when student status has ended or at the discretion of the Administration of the College and /or the discretion of the Administrator of the network.
- The college is under no obligation to recover or protect user files from deleted accounts.
Use of Copyrighted Material
- Software products not appropriately licensed for use by СʪÃÃÊÓƵ are strictly prohibited.
- Unauthorized copying of copyrighted material including, but not limited to, digitization and distribution of photographs from magazines, books or other copyrighted sources, copyrighted music, copyrighted movies, and the installation of any copyrighted software for which СʪÃÃÊÓƵ or the end user does not have an active license is strictly prohibited.
- Only authorized software may be installed on College provided computers. Technology Services is responsible for determining what software may or may not be installed, based on technical specifications and licensing.
Email provided by the college is to be used for college/educational purposes only. Any use of "all campus" email lists is restricted to business purposes only.
Web Pages/Sites
All persons who publish web pages are responsible for the content of those pages and are required to comply with all СʪÃÃÊÓƵ policies and procedures as well as state and federal laws.