The following procedures will be enacted if severe weather is in the area. The Campus Police Department will monitor the National Weather Service forecast over cable TV, Police Band Radio, and the Internet.

When an actual tornado or funnel cloud has been sighted and is moving in the general vicinity of
the College the Chief of Police, or a designated representative, will enact Coyote Alert (the campus emergency notification system) to notify students, faculty and staff of the impending danger. When notified, all students, faculty, and staff shall proceed immediately to the WC designated shelter areas below.

Weatherford Campus Facilities by Name and Number 

LART / Liberal Arts – Bldg. #1 (West-side of campus)

  • Success Connection: Move to the north-east corner of Room & Office.
  • Rm. 101-105: Move to Switchboard utilize restrooms and teacher lounge.
  • Rm. 106 - 109: Move to Upper Level Restrooms.
  • Rm. 113; 114; 115; 122; 123; 124: Move immediately to Switchboard area.
  • Rm. 116; 117; 118; 119; 120; 121: Move to Technology 201.

FACL / Faculty Offices, Bldg. #2 (West-side of campus)

  • Move to Building #1 Storage, Mech., and Telephone room.

JKNB / Jack Knight Building #3

  • Move to Lecture Hall and Restrooms.

DOSS / Doss Student Center / Bookstore / Cafeteria

  • Move to Bookstore, Kitchen or East Restrooms.

LIBR / Library / Building #5

  • Move to Student Services, lower level, behind service counter.

STSV / Student Services / Building #8

  • Move to Lower Level behind Counter.

HAND / Business Building #9

  • Move to Level 1 - Hallway and Women’s Restroom.

BOYD / Technology Building #10

  • Move to Lower Level Restrooms, Mechanical Room, Work Room & Offices Hallway.

GYMN / Gymnasium Building #12

  • Move to Men’s Locker Room.

COVL / Coyote Village #13

  • All occupants should proceed immediately to the ground floor inner core apartments.

PLMA / Police Maintenance Building #14

  • Move to Center Offices, Hallway, and Restrooms.

MINC / E.W. Mince Building #15

  • Move to lower Level Restrooms and Dance Room.

FINE / Fine Arts Building #16

  • Rm. 101 - 103: move to East restrooms.
  • Rm. 104 - 106: move to Band Hall.
  • Stage & Shop move to the Dressing Room.
  • Auditorium - West seating / Special Events section: move to West-end Men & Women’s Restrooms; the Kitchen; the Split Hallway.
  • Auditorium - Center & East seating: move to East-end hallway by restrooms & sound booths, use the booths and piano practice room.

BASB / Baseball Park #17

  • Spectator Stands: Move to Restrooms.
  • Field - Dugouts: Move to Field House Showers.

SOFB / Softball Park #18

  • Spectator Stands: Move to Restrooms.
  • Field - Dugouts: Move to Field House Showers.

ACAD / Academic Building #19

  • All occupants should proceed immediately to the first floor, center hallway on west side.

HLSC / Don Allen Health Science Building #20

  • All occupants should proceed immediately to the first floor, center hallway on west side.

СʪÃÃÊÓƵ Wise County

  • Students, faculty & staff assigned to WC Wise County should proceed immediately to the center hall of the campus.

Education Center – Mineral Wells

  • Building 704 - Academic Center: proceed immediately to the basement of the building.
  • Building 790 - Welding / Machine Shop: proceed immediately to the basement in bldg. #704.

Education Center – Granbury

  • All occupants should proceed immediately to the Commons area on the ground floor.