At times, classes may be cancelled due to low enrollment. Every effort is made to notify all registered students at the phone number(s) listed on their application. A full refund is processed unless you decide to transfer to another course or section.

Cancellations must be received at least one business day prior to the first day of class in order to receive a 100% course refund. No refunds or transfers will be made on or after the first class day.

If a student withdraws before the first day of class or if the class is cancelled, a refund is issued from the college business office. A refund generally takes two-three weeks to be processed. No refunds will be made on or after the day the class begins.
Workforce parking fees are included in the cost of the course.  If your class is Monday – Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., you will need a permit for your car.  Permits may be obtained at the Workforce Education office, during office hours.
A WC Student ID will allow you to access campus resources and services.  They are issued in the Welcome Center.
If your books are not included in the course, new and used books may be purchased from the vendor you prefer.
Yes, you will receive a grade of Pass (P) or No Pass (NP) based on course work and at least 80% participation in the course.
Yes, most work-related training is measured in Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Nationally recognized, one CEU represents 10 class hours of participation. A CEU certificate will be given to students who successfully meet the course completion requirements.

A Combined Official Transcript must be requested from the Student Services Office and you must request a combined transcript for CEU courses to appear on the transcript.  An unofficial transcript can be printed from your Coyote Connect account at any time. 


For certain courses, Workforce Education has established an “Articulation Agreement” in order to convert CEUs to semester credit hours taught by SAC’s credentialed instructors under the specific conditions of the agreement. Completion of the Articulation Agreement enables the student to apply hours earned toward a credit certificate or degree. Transference does not impact the student’s grade point average.
Services for students with disabilities or special educational needs are available through the Student Services Office. If you are a student with a disability and need special accommodations, contact the Special Services Director at 817-598-6350. Requests need to be on file before the class begins.
Workforce Education students may access all СʪƵ Library services with their ID.

If severe weather causes the College to delay opening for classes and/or scheduled events or close entirely, information will be relayed to students and staff as soon as possible through the Coyote Alert System, as well as posted on our, and recorded at our main switchboard number, 817-594-5471.

Additionally, information will be announced on local radio station KYQX 89.5 FM and on area media: KXAS, Channel 5 TV; KJSA 1140 AM (Mineral Wells); KTFW 92.1FM/1460 AM; WBAP 820; KDFW, Channel 4; WFAA, Channel 8 and KTVT, Channel 11.

A concern regarding a Workforce Education class or an appeal to a student dismissal from a Workforce Education class must be filed within 5 days of the incident. An “Item of Concern” form may be obtained from the Workforce Education staff on any campus.
If you are 65 years or older and request the Senior Citizen Discount at registration, you may be eligible to receive discounted tuition for certain classes. A copy of your current driver’s license must be submitted to the Workforce Education office at the time of registration.
If you are under 18 years of age, a Workforce Education administrator and the course instructor must approve any waiver of age limitations for a course. A Minor Consent  form must be completed and should be uploaded to your application.  The form requires the signature of a legal parent or legal guardian.

Not if you are:

  • Only enrolling in Workforce Education courses that are less than 360 hours.
  • Only enrolling in online courses or other distance education courses.
  • Are 22 years of age or older.