СʪÃÃÊÓƵ will not tolerate nor condone any form of sexual misconduct, physical, mental or emotional in nature. This includes, but is not limited to, rape (including 'date or acquaintance' rape), sexual assault or sexual harassment. In instances where there is reason to believe that these policies prohibiting sexual misconduct have been violated, the College will pursue disciplinary action. Students may elect to pursue the concern through the state criminal justice system as well. If the College has reason to believe that sexual misconduct has occurred, sanctions may include warnings, probation, restrictions, suspension or expulsion.
Sexual assault is defined as having sexual contact or sexual intercourse with another person without consent of that person. Consent is defined as positive cooperation due to an exercise of free will. Persons consenting must act freely, voluntarily, and have knowledge of the act or transaction involved. Consent will not be implied from silence, passivity, nor from a state of intoxication or unconsciousness. Lack of consent is implied if the victim is incapable of giving consent. Lack of consent is implied if the threat of violence is used or due to an imbalance of power held by the perpetrator over the victim.
In the event of a sexual assault, the victim is encouraged to report the crime to the СʪÃÃÊÓƵ Police Department if the act occurred on campus or to the appropriate authority if the crime occurred off campus. Victims should take care to preserve the evidence of a sexual assault which may be necessary to the proof of the crime (i.e.., do not take a shower).
Medical treatment is available through local physicians or at Medical City Weatherford Hospital where evidence may be collected to preserve the option of prosecution if the victim so chooses. Students are encouraged to see college counselors who will provide initial counseling and referral to those students requesting assistance. The College will foster an environment of safety for the entire student body and will support a climate of acceptance and concern for victims of sexual assault.
Prosecution of the perpetrator is a matter for the victim to consider apart from reporting the crime. The information will be treated with the confidentiality afforded any victim of a crime. Students may also report the incident to the staff within the Residence Halls, the Office of Student Services or other College staff who will in turn inform the Office of Student Services. Victims are also encouraged to report the crime to the Vice President of Student Services in order to pursue disciplinary action through the Student Code of Conduct system. Students may request that campus personnel assist them in the reporting of the crime of sexual assault. False reporting of a crime is a misdemeanor and will be treated seriously.
Students who wish to file a student misconduct report should contact the Vice President of Student Services. If the matter cannot be resolved by the Vice President of Student Services in an informal manner acceptable to the person bringing the complaint, it will be the option of the complainant to pursue the formal process. In the event that the complaining person wishes to file a formal grievance against another student or other employee of the institution as the alleged perpetrator, an investigation followed by prompt and appropriate disciplinary action will ensue.
Educational materials related to sexual misconduct will be disseminated to each incoming student during orientation as well as those students currently enrolled on the campus. Orientation of all new students will include a component related to sexual assault and its prevention. Programming to promote the awareness and prevention of sexual misconduct will continue to be offered in the Residence Halls as well as other locations accessible to the greater student body. Self-defense seminars will be offered to the student body through the Campus Police department upon request.