Accessibility Features
This site has been created with special accessibility features that allow it to be used by a wide audience. Some special features to note are:
- Alternative text has been used for all important images. This feature is used for text-to-speech browsers and all-text browsers.
- All links leading to pages outside of this Web site will open in a new browser window. The attributes of these windows can be controlled by the user.
- Descriptive hyperlinks have been used along with titles attached to each link.
- "Skip to Main Content" and "Skip to Navigation" links have been added to the top of every document to allow users of text-to-speech browsers easy navigation.
- Font sizes can be adjusted using browser settings.
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) have been used to control much of the site’s layout.
Changing text size
Almost all modern web browsers allow users to easily increase the font size for better readability. Try holding down the Ctrl key (Command key on a Macintosh) and pressing the + (plus) key. You can also decrease the font size by holding down the Ctrl or Command key and pressing the - (minus) key. To reset the text to the original size, hold down the Ctrl or Command key and press the 0 (zero) key.
If that does not work, you might be using an older version of a web browser. You may find instructions on the site to be helpful. If you are still not successful, you might consider upgrading to the latest version of your browser using the links below.