Research news 13 Jun 2023 The forgotten migrant ships that came before Windrush in 1947 09 Jun 2023 More than 50 chemicals discovered in water off Hampshire and West Sussex coasts 01 Jun 2023 Brunel continues to rank highly among the world's most impactful universities, notably promoting peace and reducing inequalities 31 May 2023 How well do we know the over 50s? Why companies need to rethink their marketing strategies to entice the mature consumer 26 May 2023 Computers have emotions too: New research shows AI can teach technology to recognise emotions with 98% accuracy 18 May 2023 Recycled plastic food wrappers spark safety concerns 17 May 2023 Art in Brighton show raises contradictory, emotional issues of adults living with cerebral palsy 11 May 2023 Behind-the-scenes research bursts to life 11 May 2023 Israel at 75: how inept British intelligence failed to contain Jewish independence groups 03 May 2023 When employers reward 'ideal' workers, gender equality suffers 02 May 2023 India's Principal Scientific Advisor praises Brunel's hydrogen research and facilities during visit 02 May 2023 How genes protect from or increase risk of type 2 diabetes ❮ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ❯