About us

The Health Economics Research Group aims to improve health and wellbeing through improved decision-making. Our strategic focus is on economic evaluation and systematic reviews of a broad range of clinical and health service technologies by providing high-quality, applied, policy-relevant research, as well as developing and refining methods to increase the rigour and relevance of such studies.

Four streams of research underpin our research and research training: -

The economics of public health

Research here has focused on the promotion of healthier lifestyles (e.g. increased physical activity, increased rate and length of breastfeeding and tobacco control) and prevention of infectious disease. We work alongside before/after studies as well as clinical trials, using decision-modelling and econometric estimation. Methodological research tests alternative specifications for key economic variables in demand models, develops decision-support models for commissioners, and considers the incorporation of short-term and non-health benefits in economic evaluations.

Evaluation of health technologies

We specialise in the evaluation of non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as medical devices, interventional procedures, screening and diagnostic tests. The methods we use include cost-effectiveness analysis modelling. We also conduct systematic reviews in a wide variety of health topics and alongside economic evaluations. Our research involves the development and testing of new methods of analysis and how economic evidence is used in decision-making.

Measurement and valuation of healthcare outcome

Our research includes measuring the impact of health interventions on people's quality of life and wellbeing. We also developed and used methods for eliciting preferences for different states of health and types of healthcare interventions. In addition, we worked on the design of questionnaires to measure and value changes of health generally, and in people who have specific diseases.

Evaluation of research systems the impact of research on health and health systems

This work develops, refines and applies methods for assessing the scientific and wider impact of health research. Our internationally acclaimed 'payback' framework has been used to assess research funded by, for example, the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) and the Australian National Breast Cancer Foundation. We have measured the monetary value of the UK’s public and charity-funded health research. We also work with WHO to identify policies to strengthen health research systems and with the NIHR on the benefits of research active health systems. 

Books authored by HERG staff

  • Subhash Pokhrel, Kathryn Coyle and Doug Coyle co-authored the book “
  •  Estimating the economic benefits from medical research in the UK
  • Steve Hanney co-authored the book