About us

 The centre plans to maintain and extend its international collaborations.  It is intended to foster partnerships within the centre and collaboration with other centres.  In particular, research on novel heuristic optimisation techniques for smart grids should have benefits for many of the technological applications areas of interest to the centre.  Energy utilities continue to undergo rapid technological change as a consequence of international de-regulation and the increasing importance of alternative and renewable energy sources.  The research centre intends to respond to evolving research requirements in these fields and also (where possible) to anticipate future needs, for example producing novel algorithms for the operation of power systems as transactive energy markets, incorporating risk management under technical and financial uncertainties.

Research Aims and Strategies

The commercial and industrial research clients of the centre, particularly the electricity supply industry, will continue to undergo dynamic change in the coming years. This is a consequence of de-regulation, changing priorities on energy sources and the emission of pollutants, and the world-wide introduction of new market regimes. The centre aims to continue to provide technological solutions at the forefront of research in these areas. Current research funding has been obtained approximately one third from UK government sources (EPSRC and RCUK) and two thirds from European and industry funded.

Research themes and description of activities

Power systems analysis for transmission and distribution networks, smart grids, including steady-state and dynamic analysis, linear and non-linear operation. Investigation of algorithms for congestion monitoring in transmission networks. Simulation and analysis of new energy markets. Portfolio and strategy optimisation taking into account risk and uncertainty. Optimisation of the design and operation of electrical networks. Modelling and optimal control of FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems). Condition monitoring of power station and power system plant. Development of advanced mathematical models of underground electric cables.

Research Data

  • Total Grant Income: more than £3M over last 5 years
  • Number of Projects: over 10
  • Number of Refereed Journal Papers: over 300
  • Number of Refereed Conference Papers (and Book Chapters): over 1000
  • Number of Research Students:
    Current: PhD 30, over 70 PhD awarded (2003-2018)
  • RAs and RFs: 4
  • National and International Collaborations:
    University of Oxford, Tsinghua University, China; Sichuan University, China; CEPRI , China; University of Plzen, Czech Republic; Polytechnica University Bucharest, Romania; University of Santa Caterina, Brazil; Oklahoma University, USA; OFFIS, Germany; Fraunhofer, Germany;
  • Key Industrial Collaborators: National Grid UK, EDF, Elia, UK Power Networks, GE Power Conversion, Nortech, Intel

Research Impact

Computer models and optimisation algorithms produced by the centre have been implemented in over 35 utility companies, in 7 countries.  New algorithms resulting from the research, and described in publications, have taken up and further developed by many researchers, internationally.

Inter- Multi- and Cross-disciplinary Aspects

The research of the centre draws on the disciplines of electrical power engineering, control engineering, optimisation theory, computational algorithms and information technology.  Much of the research is multi-disciplinary, with individual research projects requiring skills in two or more disciplines.