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Miss Zhiqian Zhao
PhD Student

  • Social and Political Sciences


I am a doctoral researcher in the field of anthropology at Brunel.

My research focuses on education and aspirations among the Nuosu-Yi ê†ˆêŒ  ethnic minority youths in Southwest China. These young people increasingly quote school education as the best or only "way out" (chulu). What does this "way out" entail? Does it imply shedding shedding labels such as “rural”, “ethnic/backward”, and “low-quality” and becoming a social and cultural citizen associated with modernity? Does it mean migrating from rural hometowns to urban centres? Does it mean integrating into a predominantly Han environment, potentially leading to a loss of distinctive ethnic identity?

The research will examine Nuosu youths’ pursuit of chulu, focusing on aspirations, strategies, and cultural practices in the context of their changing views of education. More broadly, this project draws attention to the pressing issue of how ethnic minority youths imagine their future, in the context of China’s economic slowdown and growing youth unemployment.

Supervised by Peggy Froerer and Nicola Ansell

Funded by AHRC Techne DTP


  • MSc Political Sociology (LSE)
  • BA International Relations (King's College London)

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