Professor William Watkin
Professor - English
- English
- English and Creative Writing
Research area(s)
- Contemporary Poetry and Poetics
- Literature and Philosophy
- Contemporary Continental Philosophy: Agamben, Badiou, Deleuze, Nancy
- Indifference
Research Interests
Prof. Watkin will supervise projects on any aspects of the work of Agamben, Badiou, Nancy and Deleuze. Further he will consider supervising students on any areas of literary theory, continental philosophy, contemporary literature, experimental poetry and poetics in general.
His current research interest is indifference as a development, completion and critique of discourses of difference that have predominated in the humanities for the last forty years. He just completed a monograph on the work of philosopher Giorgio Agamben in relation to indifference. Agamben is one of Watkin’s areas of specialisation, having published the first critical monograph on Agamben and literature in 2010. He is currently working on Deleuze and indifference.
His other major project is a consideration of the complex relation between poetry and philosophy since Heidegger, which conceives of poetry/literature as a mode of thinking or, as Watkin calls it, logopoiesis. His 2010 Agamben monograph is part of a three volume study of logopoiesis which will include work on Nancy and Badiou in the years to come.
Previously Watkin has published books on the New York School of poetry in relation to avant-gardism and theoretical consideration of literatures of mourning in the modern era. He has published numerous articles on contemporary experimental poetry: Ashbery, O’Hara, Koch, Schulyer, Hejinian, Silliman, Bernstein, and Du Plessis
Research links
Similar research interests
- Professor Peter Thomas
- Dr Katerina Paramana
- Mr Alexander Giannakouras
- Ms Jane Dickson
- Professor Hannah Lowe
Research group(s)