Professor Sergey Mikhailov
Professor - Applied Mathematics and Analysis
Research area(s)
Applied Analysis, Solid Mechanics, and Computational Mathematics, including:
- Analysis of Stokes, Oseen, and Navier-Stokes PDEs, especially of existence, uniqueness and regularity of solution of evolution (non-stationary) problems in Sobolev spaces.
- Boundary-domain integral and integro-differential equations.
- Theoretical fatigue, damage, durability, and fracture mechanics.
- Nonlinear partial integro-differential Volterra equations of crack propagation in damaged media.
Research grants and projects
Project details
- Mathematical Analysis of Localised Boundary-Domain Integral Equations for Nonlinear PDEs, funded by the , 2015-2018.
- , funded by the , 2010-2013.
- Boundary-Domain Integral and Integro-Differential Equations: Formulation, Analysis, Localisation, funded by the , 2006-2009.
- Analysis of Boundary-Domain Integral and Integro-Differential Equations, funded by the and , 2006-2008.
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Rock Contact Fracture Mechanics in Modelling of Vibration Enhanced Drilling, , 2002-2006.
- Non-Local Approach to High Cyclic Fatigue: Theoretical Basis, funded by the , 1999-2001
Research links
Similar research interests
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- Professor Keming Yu
- Dr Matthias Winter
- Professor Zidong Wang
- Professor Paresh Date
Research group(s)