Professor Mike Watts
Professor - Education
Gaskell 227
- Email: mike.watts@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 267366
Soares, D., Lopes, B., Abrantes, I. and Watts, M. (2021) ''. Sustainability, 13 (10). pp. 1 - 17.
Watts, M. (2021) ''. Early Child Development and Care, 191 (7-8). pp. 1186 - 1195. ISSN: 0300-4430
Watts, M. (2020) 'Supporting beginning teachers to cope with contingencies', in Salehjee, S. (ed.) Mentoring the beginning science teacher,. London : Routledge. pp. 1 - 14. ISBN 10: 0367023121. ISBN 13: 9780429400308.
Watts, M. and Salehjee, S. (2020) 'Supporting beginning teachers in embedding scientific literacy', in Salehjee, S. (ed.) Mentoring the beginning science teacher. London : Routledge. ISBN 10: 0367023121. ISBN 13: 978-0367023126.
Watts, M. (2020) 'Developing a Theoretical Framework', in Burnell, I. and Roffey-Barentsen, J. (eds.) Completing your EdD, the essential guide to the Doctor of education. Bingley : Emerald Publishing. pp. 111 - 134. ISBN 13: 978-1-78973-566-6.
Watts, M. and Salehjee, S. (2019) ''. Early Child Development and Care, 190 (1). pp. 21 - 29. ISSN: 0300-4430
Naugah, J., Reiss, MJ. and Watts, M. (2019) ''. Research in Science and Technological Education, 38 (4). pp. 463 - 483. ISSN: 0263-5143
Pedrosa-de-Jesus, H. and Watts, M. (2018) 'Academic growth in higher education: questions and answers'. Leiden and Boston: Brill / Sense. ISSN 13: 978-90-04-38933-5
Salehjee, S. and Watts, M. (2018) 'Models of Scientific identity', in Pabst, S. (ed.) Science and Technology Education: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges.. Hauppauge, NY, USA : Nova Science Publishers. pp. 1 - 61. ISBN 13: 9781536137170.
Watts, DM., Crowe, N. and Waite, G. (2018) 'Tales of the Transgressive Body - more than a single story: DST in a climate of transgression'.Digital Storytelling Conference. Zakynthos, Greece.
Pedrosa-de-Jesus, H., Guerra, C. and Watts, M. (2016) ''. Professional Development in Education, 43 (3). pp. 454 - 473. ISSN: 1941-5257
Pedrosa de Jesus, MH., Moreira, AC., da Silva Lopes, B. and Watts, DM. (2014) ''. International Journal of Science Education, 32 (2). pp. 115 - 134. ISSN: 0263-5143
Crowe, N. and Watts, DM. (2014) ''. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 19 (2). pp. 217 - 231. ISSN: 0267-3843
Kanhadilok, P. and Watts, DM. (2013) ''. Canadian Journal for Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 13 (1). pp. 33 - 48. ISSN: 1492-6156
Crowe, N. and Watts, DM. (2013) ''. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 18 (1). pp. 1 - 4. ISSN: 0267-3843
Watts, DM. (2013) 'Foreword', in Roffey-Barentsen, J. and Malthouse, R. (eds.) Reflective practice in the lifelong learning sector. London : Learning Matters. , 82. pp. 7 - 8.
Pedrosa-de-Jesus, H., da Silva Lopes, B., Moreira, A. and Watts, DM. (2012) ''. Higher Education, 64 (4). pp. 557 - 571. ISSN: 0018-1560
Kanhadilok, P. and Watts, DM. (2012) 'Zones of play-learning: Teaching science through traditional toys within the National Science Museum, Thailand'.Geographies of Education Conference. Lougborough University. [unpublished]
Pedrosa de Jesus, MH. and Watts, DM. (2012) 'Learning styles and questioning styles'.17th Annual Conference of European Learning Styles Information Network (ELSIN). Cardiff University, Wales. 27 [unpublished]
Kanhadilok, P. and Watts, DM. (2012) 'Toy make-and-play activities and science learning outcomes'.International Ireland Conference on Education (IICE). University College Dublin. [unpublished]
Kanhadilok, P. and Watts, DM. (2012) 'Family play-learning: Some learning outcomes from make-and-play activities with toys at a science museum'. Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal, 1 (2).
Pedrosa-de-Jesus, H. and Watts, DM. (2012) ''. Studies in Higher Education, 39 (1). pp. 102 - 116. ISSN: 1470-174X
Karim, BW., Toplis, TT. and Watts, DM. (2011) 'Preliminary investigations of primary pre-service teachers professional problem solving styles'.16th Annual Conference of the European Learning Styles Information Network. Antwerp, Belgium. 29 - 1 July. [unpublished]
Almeida, P., Pedrosa de Jesus, MH. and Watts, DM. (2011) 'Kolb's learning styles and approaches to learning through the use of students’ critical questions', in Rayner, SA. and Cools, E. (eds.) International perspectives on style differences in human performance: Leading edge research, theory and practice. New York : Routledge. pp. 115 - 128. ISBN 13: 978-0-415-80199-7.
Sharda, M. and Watts, M. (2011) 'Health and sex education in India: The collapse of a policy', in Taylor, N., Quinn, F., Littledyke, M. and Coll, RK. (eds.) Health education in context: An international perspective on the development of health education in schools and local communities. Rotterdam, NL : Sense Publications. pp. 183 - 189. ISBN 13: 978-94-6091-875-9.
Barker, J., Alldred, P., Watts, DM. and Dodman, H. (2010) ''. Area, 42 (3). pp. 378 - 386. ISSN: 0004-0894
Watts, DM. and Pedrosa de Jesus, H. (2010) 'Questions and science', in Toplis, R. (ed.) How Science Works: Exploring effective pedagogy and practice. London : Routledge. pp. 85 - 102. ISBN 10: 0415562805. ISBN 13: 978-0415562805.
Selvaruby, PS. and Watts, DM. (2009) 'Environmental education in a troubled land', in Taylor, N., Littledyke, M., Eames, C. and Coll, RK. (eds.) Environmental education in context: An international perspective on the development of environmental education. London : Sage. ISBN 10: 9087909624. ISBN 13: 9789087909628.
Pedrosa de Jesus, MH., Watts, DM. and da Silva Lopes, B. (2009) 'Teaching approaches in higher education: The role of classroom questioning'.London Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 7th International Conference. City University, London. 4 [unpublished]
Pedrosa de Jesus, MH., da Silva Lopes, B. and Watts, DM. (2009) 'The interplay of preferential teaching approaches and classroom questioning in higher education: Two case studies'.14th ELSIN Conference. Bulle-en-Gruyere, Switzerland. [unpublished]
Leask, M. and Watts, DM. (2009) 'Unit 2.3: Taking responsibility for the whole classroom', in Capel, S., Leask, M. and Turner, A. (eds.) Learning to teach. London : Routledge.
Coole, H. and Watts, DM. (2009) ''. Research in Education, 82 (82). pp. 13 - 27. ISSN: 0034-5237
Almeida, P., Pedrosa de Jesus, H. and Watts, DM. (2008) 'Learning styles: A review of research presented at ELSIN conferences'.13th Annual Conference of the European Learning Styles Information Network: Style and cultural differences: how can organisations, regions and countries take advantages of style differences?. Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School, Gent, Belgium. 23 - 25 June. [unpublished]
Selvaruby, P., O'Sullivan, B. and Watts, DM. (2008) 'School-based assessment in Sri Lanka: Ensuring valid processes for assessment-for-learning in physics', in Coll, RK. and Taylor, N. (eds.) Science Education in Context: An International Examination of the Influence of Context on Science Curricula Development and Implementation. Rotterdam, The Netherlands : Sense Publishers. pp. 131 - 144. ISBN 10: 9087902484. ISBN 13: 978-90-8790-248-3.
Pedrosa de Jesus, MH., Watts, DM. and Almeida, P. (2008) 'The snowball effects of students’ questions: Contributions of mini-projects'.IASK International Conference - Teaching and Learning. Aveiro, Portugal. 26 - 28 May. [unpublished]
Valkanova, Y. and Watts, D. (2008) 'Digital story telling in a science classroom: Reflective self-learning (RSL) in action', in Evans, R. and Jones, D. (eds.) Metacognitive approaches to developing oracy: Developing speaking and listening with young children. London : Routledge. ISBN 10: 0415495555. ISBN 13: 9780415495554.
Almeida, P., Pedrosa de Jesus, HM. and Watts, DM. (2008) 'Developing mini-projects: Students’ questions and learning styles'. The Psychology of Education Review, 32 (1). pp. 6 - 17.
Neri de Souza, F., Watts, D. and Moreira, A. (2008) 'E-questioning tutorial'.IASK Conference. University of Aveiro, Portugal. [unpublished]
Mallick, J. and Watts, DM. (2007) ''. Drug and Alcohol Review, 26 (6). pp. 595 - 603. ISSN: 0959-5236
Mallick, J. and Watts, DM. (2007) ''. Research in Education, 78 (1). pp. 110 - 128. ISSN: 0034-5237
Watts, DM., Almeida, P. and Pedrosa de Jesus, H. (2005) 'Orchestrating learning and teaching in inter-disciplinary chemistry'. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 5 (1). pp. 71 - 84. ISSN: 1492-6156
Watts, M. (2005) 'Orchestrating the confluence: a discussion of science, passion and poetry', in Alsop, S. (ed.) Beyond Cartesian Dualism: Encountering Affect in the Teaching and Learning of Science. Dordrecht : Springer. , 29. pp. 149 - 159. ISBN 10: 1-4020-3807-0.
Pedrosa de Jesus, H., Almeida, P. and Watts, M. (2004) ''. Educational Psychology, 24 (4). pp. 531 - 548. ISSN: 0144-3410
Barbosa, R., Jófili, Z. and Watts, M. (2004) ''. International Journal of Science Education, 26 (8). pp. 935 - 949. ISSN: 0950-0693
Alsop, S. and Watts, M. (2003) ''. International Journal of Science Education, 25 (9). pp. 1043 - 1047. ISSN: 0950-0693
Watts, M. (2001) ''. International Journal of Science Education, 23 (2). pp. 197 - 208. ISSN: 0950-0693
Watts, M. (2001) ''. International Journal of Science Education, 23 (1). pp. 83 - 95. ISSN: 0950-0693
Watts, M. and Jofili, Z. (1998) ''. International Journal of Science Education, 20 (2). pp. 173 - 185. ISSN: 0950-0693
Watts, M., Alsop, S., Gould, G. and Walsh, A. (1997) ''. International Journal of Science Education, 19 (9). pp. 1025 - 1037. ISSN: 0950-0693
Watts, M., Alsop, S. and Zylbersztajn, A. (1997) ''. International Journal of Science Education, 19 (3). pp. 341 - 351. ISSN: 0950-0693