Dr Andrew Siu
Reader in Occupational Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Department of Health Sciences
Dr. Andrew Siu is a mental health specialist in occupational therapy practice. He is experienced in teaching courses on research methods and statistics, mental health, health promotion, and primary care. His research interests are in the areas of nature-based therapy (horticulture, forest therapy), virtual reality interventions in mental health, and resilience in people with chronic illness and disabilities. He published over 100 research journal papers and reviews, and more than 30 book chapters and clinical manuals.
1987 |
Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Professional Diploma in Occupational Therapy |
1990 |
University of Hull, UK |
Master of Science (Health Administration & Research) |
1995 |
Sheffield Hallam University, UK |
Master of Science (Applied Statistics) |
2002 |
Chinese University of Hong Kong |
2012 |
Monash University, Australia |
- Master of Science in Occupational Therapy Year 2 Lead
- BREO ethics review committee
Newest selected publications
Siu, A., Tsang, SMH., Cheing, GLY., Lam, AKC., Pang, PCK. and Jensen, MP. (2024) ''.9th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions. Gibraltar. 12 - 10 July. Akademiai Kiado Zrt.. pp. 197 - 197. ISSN: 2062-5871
Tse, N., Siu, A., Tsang, S. and Jensen, M. (2024) ''. Clinical Social Work Journal, 0 (ahead of print). pp. 1 - 12. ISSN: 0091-1674
Siu, AMH., Tam, BKY., Tse, LFL., Leung, C., Lam, CCC., Lee, FMY., (2024) ''. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, and Early Intervention, 0 (ahead of print). pp. 1 - 17. ISSN: 1941-1243
et al.Fung, XCC., Siu, AMH., Lin, C-Y., Ko, P-J., Lin, I-C., Chen, J-S. and (2024) ''. American Journal of Health Behavior, 48 (3). pp. 628 - 640. ISSN: 1087-3244
et al.Tsang, SMH., Cheing, GLY., Lam, AKC., Siu, AMH., Pang, PCK., Yip, K-C., (2023) ''. Frontiers in Public Health, 11. pp. 1 - 9. ISSN: 2296-2565
et al.