Dr Jacques Furter
Senior Lecturer / Director of Education
Diplome de Mathematicien (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
PhD Mathematiques (Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne)
Newest selected publications
Bridges, TJ. and Furter, JE. (2008) 'Singularity theory and equivariant symplectic maps'. ISSN 10: 3540572961 ISSN 13: 9783540572961
Furter, JE. and Sitta, AM. (2004) 'A note on the path formulation for (O(2),SO(2)) - forced symmetry breaking bifucation'. Contemporary Mathematics, 354. pp. 105 - 112. ISSN: 0271-4132
Furter, JE. and Sitta, AM. (2004) ''. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics, 134 (6). pp. 1115 - 1126. ISSN: 0308-2105
Furter, JE. and Sitta, AM. (2002) ''. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics, 132 (5). pp. 1185 - 1218. ISSN: 0308-2105
Furter, JE. (2000) 'Path formulation and forced symmetry-breaking'.5th Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities. SAO CARLOS, BRAZIL. CHAPMAN & HALL/CRC PRESS. pp. 236 - 250.