Dr Harry Agius
Senior Lecturer in Computing
Michael Sterling 256
- Email: harry.agius@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265993
- Digital Media
Money, AG. and Agius, H. (2005) ''Once more, with feeling': an emotional approach to multimedia content analysis'.IASTED Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA 2005). Honolulu, HI. ACTA PRESS ANAHEIM. pp. 436 - 441.
Agius, HW. and Angelides, MC. (2004) ''.2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'04). ACM. pp. 1248 - 1252.
Angelides, MC. and Agius, HW. (2002) ''. Computers and Education, 39 (2). pp. 145 - 160. ISSN: 0360-1315
Agius, HW. (2002) 'Principles for supporting and enhancing user navigation of digital video in video browsers', in Rahman, SM. (ed.) Interactive Multimedia Systems. Hershey, PA : IDEA Group Publishing. , Chapter 13. pp. 239 - 250.
Agius, HW. (2001) 'Principles for supporting and enhancing user navigation of digital video in video browsers'.12th Annual Information Resources Management Association International Conference (IRMA). Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 20 - 23 May. IDEA Group Publishing. pp. 299 - 303.
Agius, HW. and Angelides, MC. (2001) ''. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 15 (1). pp. 5 - 37. ISSN: 1380-7501
Agius, HW. (2001) 'Principles for supporting and enhancing user navigation of digital video in video browsers'.12th Annual IRMA International Conference. [unpublished]
Agius, HW. and Paul, RJ. (2000) 'Editorial for special issue on presentation, perception and parables'. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 10 (5/6). pp. 405 - 420.
Angelides, MC. and Agius, HW. (2000) ''. Journal of Information Technology, 15 (1). pp. 53 - 67. ISSN: 0268-3962
Agius, HW. and Angelides, MC. (2000) ''. Data and Knowledge Engineering, 34 (2). pp. 165 - 187. ISSN: 0169-023X
Agius, HW. (1999) 'Bringing multimedia 'to life': what needs to be known to know what is needed'.5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI 99). Athens, Greece. 4 - 7 July. [unpublished]
Agius, HW. and Angelides, MC. (1999) ''. Artificial Intelligence Review, 13 (1). pp. 55 - 83. ISSN: 0269-2821
Agius, HW. and Angelides, MC. (1999) ''. The Computer Journal, 42 (3). pp. 153 - 176. ISSN: 0010-4620
Tong, AKY. and Agius, HW. (1999) ''. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 9 (2). pp. 107 - 133. ISSN: 0334-1860
Agius, HW. (1998) 'A survey of semantic content-based multimedia models'. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 6 (3). pp. 311 - 323. ISSN: 1330-1136
Agius, HW. and Angelides, MC. (1997) ''. Information and Software Technology, 39 (10). pp. 679 - 694. ISSN: 0950-5849
Agius, HW. and Angelides, MC. (1997) ''. Information and Management, 31 (6). pp. 291 - 302. ISSN: 0378-7206
Agius, HW. (1996) 'Synthesising technology and context for instructional multimedia information systems within the primary classroom', in Katz, YJ., Millin, D. and Offir, B. (eds.) The Impact of Information Technology: From Practice to Curriculum. London : Chapman and Hall. pp. 95 - 100. ISBN 10: 0-412-78470-X. ISBN 13: 9780412784705.