Professor Hamid Bahai
Institute Director Materials & Manufacturing
Howell Building 123a
- Email: hamid.bahai@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265773
Research Interests
Hamid's current research interests include computational mechanics, fatigue and fracture mechanics, structural dynamics and development of non-linear finite element formulations and algorithms for fluid-solid interaction and multi-scale continuum-particle numerical simulations.
Research grants and projects
Research Projects
Project details
Since 1998, Hamid has been awarded several research grants totalling over £5,000,000.
Research Awards won as Investigator since January 1998
- 1998: £100,000, QR, ‘Development of inverse methods for optimising vibratory behaviour of structures’
- 1999: £62,929, EPSRC (GR/N63994/01), ‘Design optimisation of structures vibration behaviour’
- 2000: £48,000, Airbus Group, ‘Design sensitivity analysis of space craft dynamic response’
- 2004: £239,000, Industrial grant (BP, Shell, Lloyds Register) on ‘Non-linear fluid-solid interaction modelling of flexible riser pipes’
- 2005: £279,822, EPSRC (EP/C510232/1), ‘Vortex induced vibration and fatigue of deep-water flexible riser pipes’, acted as the chair of the consortium which included Imperial College and Oxford University
- 2006: £24,000, Soodavar Trust Fund to support a PhD student's work on ‘Control of turbulence transition using smart structures’
- 2007: £56,000, Industrial grant by Lloyds Register ‘Development of a multi-layered flexible pipe constitutive model’
- 2009: £196,000, KTP grant (in collaboration with Zentech International) ‘Development of an elasto-plastic crack initiation methodology'
- 2013: £582,939, as part of a £1.7m collaborative EPSRC (EP/K034243/1) ‘VIV and structural integrity of deep-water flexible risers’, acted as the chair of this consortium which included Imperial College and Southampton University
- 2014: £300,000, BP, ‘Structural integrity of flexible risers’
- 2014: £45,000, SHELL, ‘VIV of Deepwater Risers Pipes’
- 2016: £412,000, EU (DREAM), ‘Design for Resource and Energy efficiency in ceramic kilns’
- 2015: £50,000, Toshiba, ‘Multi scale numerical simulation of Melt/solidification process’
- 2016: £120,000, Toshiba (funding for RA) – ‘Multi scale numerical simulation of Melt/solidification process’
- 2017: £82,000, TWI – Lloyds Register – ‘Data fusion methods in numerical simulation of structural defects’
- 2017: £608,000, EU, 'Heat pipe technology for thermal energy recovery in industrial applications (ETEKINA)’, PACE ID – 11026
- 2020: £2,099,760, EPSRC (EP/T033940/1), 'Multiphysics and multiscale modelling for safe and feasible CO2 capture and storage'
Research links
Co-author network
- Dr Giulio Alfano
- Dr Sirous Yasseri
- Dr Rui Ramos Cardoso
- Prof Hussam Jouhara
- Dr Jan Wissink
- Dr Mian Zhou
- Dr Jun Xia
- Prof Dmitry Eskin
- Visualise network
Similar research interests
- Professor Mark Perry
- Dr Giulio Alfano
- Professor Xiangming Zhou
- Dr Rumyana Neykova
- Dr Anastasia Anagnostou
Research group(s)