Professor Dany Nobus
Professor - Psychology
Quad North 105
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- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265944
- Psychology
Nobus, DM. (2001) 'Sadomasochism', in Jones, D. (ed.) Censorship: A World Encyclopedia. London : Fitzroy Dearborn. , 4. pp. 2126 - 2127. ISBN 10: 1579581358. ISBN 13: 9781579581350.
Nobus, DM. (2001) 'Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science), German Research Institute, 1919-33', in Jones, D. (ed.) Censorship: A World Encyclopedia. London : Fitzroy Dearborn. , 2. pp. 1189 - 1190. ISBN 10: 1579581358. ISBN 13: 9781579581350.
Nobus, DM. (2001) 'Dutroux Case, Belgium 1996', in Jones, D. (ed.) Censorship: A World Encyclopedia. London : Fitzroy Dearborn. , 1. pp. 704 - 705. ISBN 10: 1579581358. ISBN 13: 9781579581350.
Nobus, DM. (2001) 'Littorical reading: Lacan, Derrida, and the analytic production of Chaff'. Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society, 6 (2). pp. 279 - 288. ISSN: 1088-0763
Nobus, DM. (2001) 'Beyond the Rebus principle? Psychoanalysis and Chinese dream interpretation'. The Letter: Irish Journal for Lacanian Pschoanalysis, 22. pp. 9 - 29.
Nobus, DM. (2001) 'Paedophilia', in Michie, J. (ed.) Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences. London : Fitzroy Dearborn. , 2. pp. 1191 - 1192. ISBN 10: 1579580912. ISBN 13: 9781579580919.
Nobus, DM. (2001) 'Exhibitionism', in Michie, J. (ed.) Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences. London : Fitzroy Dearborn. pp. 537 - 539. ISBN 10: 1579580912. ISBN 13: 9781579580919.
Nobus, DM. (2001) 'Driving out old loves: Clinical heuristics in Lacan's Seminar XX, Encore'. Analysis, 10. pp. 74 - 87. ISSN: 1324-5155
Nobus, DM. (2001) 'Violence and psychoanalysis: A question of ethics'. Psychological Foundations – The Journal, 3 (1). pp. 38 - 42.
Nobus, DM. (2000) 'Freud’s infernal trinity: On the vicissitudes of the ‘tripartite model’', in Burgoyne, B. (ed.) Drawing the Soul: Schemas and Models in Psychoanalysis. London : Karnac Books. pp. 150 - 171. ISBN 10: 1780497466. ISBN 13: 9781780497464.
Nobus, DM. (2000) 'Why I am never nyself: On presence and absence in Lacanian theory', in Bruna, S. (ed.) Who am I? The ego and the self in psychoanalysis. London : Rebus Press. pp. 181 - 198. ISBN 10: 1900877287. ISBN 13: 9781900877282.
Nobus, D. (2000) 'Jacques Lacan and the Freudian practice of psychoanalysis'. London: Brunner-Routledge. ISSN 10: 0415179629 ISSN 13: 9780415179621
Nobus, DM. (2000) ''. Self & Society: A Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 28 (3). pp. 8 - 14. ISSN: 0306-0497
Nobus, DM. (2000) 'The uncanny displacement of protection: Analytic reflections on "ornament in the field of vision"', in Kivland, S. and du Ry, M. (eds.) In the Place of an Object. London : Aldgate Press. pp. 97 - 109.
Allen, DF. and Nobus, DM. (1999) 'Le rationalisme morbide dans l’Histoire: À propos d'un cas paradigmatique (Gaston l'utopiste ou E. Minkowski avec G. Orwell)', in Granger, B. (ed.) Eugène Minkowski: Une œuvre philosophique, psychiatrique et sociale. Levallois-Perret : Interligne. pp. 57 - 74. ISBN 10: 291394003X. ISBN 13: 9782913940031.
Nobus, DM. (1999) 'Freud and Krafft-Ebing as kindred spirits: A re-evaluation of the knowledge governing a powerful historical image', in Engstrom, EJ., Weber, MM. and Hoff, P. (eds.) Knowledge and power: Perspectives in the history of psychiatry - Selected papers from the Third Triennial Conference of the European Association for the History of Psychiatry (EAHP), 11-14 September 1996, Munich, Germany. Berlin : Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung. pp. 219 - 231. ISBN 10: 3861357704. ISBN 13: 9783861357704.
Mairet, A. and Salager, E. (1999) 'La folie hystérique'. Paris: Editions L'Harmattan. ISSN 10: 2738486436 ISSN 13: 9782738486431
Nobus, DM. (1999) 'The archaeologist who became a saint: Lacan’s canonization of Freud’s ideal analyst'. ERR: The Journal of Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups, 1. pp. 9 - 14.
Nobus, DM. (1999) 'Of sleuths and saints: Metaphors of the analyst in Freud and Lacan'. CFAR Bulletin, 2. pp. 1 - 3.
Nobus, D. (1999) 'The seminar. Book XX: Encore, on feminine sexuality, the limits of love and knowledge (1972-1973)'. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 35 (1). pp. 76 - 80. ISSN: 0022-5061
Nobus, D. (1998) 'Key concepts of Lacanian psychoanalysis'. Other Press Llc. ISSN 10: 189274614X ISSN 13: 9781892746146
Nobus, DM. (1998) 'Life and death in the glass: A new look at the mirror stage', in Nobus, D. (ed.) Key concepts of Lacanian psychoanalysis. London : Rebus Press. pp. 101 - 138. ISBN 10: 1900877082. ISBN 13: 9781900877084.
Nobus, DM. (1998) 'Splitting images: Lacan, institutional politics and the social authorisation of psychoanalysis'. PS: Journal of the Universities Association for Psychoanalytic Studies, 1 (1). pp. 53 - 67. ISSN: 1463-3701
Nobus, DM. and Libbrecht, K. (1997) 'De franse connectie: Een geschiedenis van de psychoanalyse in België'. Tijdschrift voor Psychoanalyse, 3 (3). pp. 132 - 149. ISSN: 1382-516X
Nobus, DM. (1997) 'Symptoms and signs versus transference and speech'. Journal of the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research, 8/9. pp. 45 - 65. ISSN: 1351-5470
Quackelbeen, J., Nobus, DM. and Temmerman, K. (1997) 'Auto-erotic asphyxiation: A sexual practice in neurosis and perversion'. Clinical Studies: International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 3 (1). pp. 31 - 54. ISSN: 1081-9274
Nobus, DM. (1997) 'Rumpelstiltskin's revenge: On the importance of proper names in psychoanalysis'. The Letter: Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis, 9. pp. 84 - 101.
Nobus, DM. (1997) 'Theorising the comedy of sexes: Lacan on Sexuality', in Burgoyne, B. and Sullivan, M. (eds.) The Klein-Lacan Dialogues. London : Karnac Books. pp. 105 - 124. ISBN 10: 1900877066. ISBN 13: 9781900877060.
Nobus, DM. (1997) 'Het subject als wezenloos fundament: Omtrent Lacans verwerping van de subjectieve autonomie', in Vandormael, J. (ed.) Ik & het verhaal. Hasselt : Woord en Argument. pp. 133 - 168. ISBN 10: 908035631X. ISBN 13: 9789080356313.
Libbrecht, K. and Nobus, D. (1996) 'Making monsters: False memories, psychotherapy, and sexual hysteria - Ofshe,R, Watters,E'. SOCIETY, 33 (4). pp. 92 - &. ISSN: 0147-2011
Nobus, DM. (1996) 'Not enough and never too much'. The Letter: Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalyis, 6. pp. 110 - 117.
Nobus, DM. and Libbrecht, K. (1996) 'Coming up strong: A short account of the history of psychoanalysis in Belgium'. The Psychoanalysis Newsletter, 17. pp. 13 - 26.
Nobus, DM. (1995) '"It sounds like a scientific fairy tale": Krafft-Ebing, Freud and the role of sexuality in neurosis and perversion', in Geerardyn, F. and de Vyver, GV. (eds.) Freud's Pre-Analytical Writings (1877 - 1900): Programme, Abstracts and Bibliography - International Congress, 12 - 15 May 1995 ... Gent. Ghent : Ghent University Publications. pp. 79 - 81.
Nobus, DM. (1995) '"Cela ressemble à une fable scientifique": Krafft-Ebing, Freud et le rôle de la sexualité dans la névrose et la perversion', in de Vijver, GV. and Geerardyn, F. (eds.) Les écrits pre-analytiques de Freud (1877-1900). Ghent : Ghent University Publications. pp. 80 - 82.
Nobus, DM. (1995) 'Als de dood zijn naam verwerft: Psychoanalytische perspektieven op AIDS'. Psychoanalytische Perspektieven, 26. pp. 61 - 78. ISSN: 0771-5862
Nobus, DM. (1995) 'Une jouissance à couper le souffle: À propos d'un cas d'asphyxie auto-érotique'. La cause freudienne: Revue de psychanalyse, 31. pp. 117 - 123.
Quackelbeen, J. and Nobus, DM. (1994) 'Veldwaarts tussen het Ene en het Andere'. Rondzendbrief uit het Freudiaanse Veld, XII (59). pp. 1 - 3.
Nobus, DM. (1994) 'De kreten van de ademloosheid: Articulaties van het perverse fantasma'. Psychoanalytische Perspektieven, 24. pp. 129 - 143. ISSN: 0771-5862
Nobus, DM. (1994) 'De psychoanalyse: Een onmogelijke wetenschap? Een antwoord aan Isabelle Stengers'. Psychoanalytische Perspektieven, 25. pp. 115 - 125. ISSN: 0771-5862
Nobus, DM. (1994) 'Moeten wij Sade herdenken? II. De psychoanalyse voor het Sadiaanse universum'. Psychoanalytische Perspektieven, 22. pp. 101 - 132. ISSN: 0771-5862
Nobus, DM. (1994) 'Tijd in het onbewuste: Een drieledige psychische structuur'. Psychoanalytische Perspektieven, 23. pp. 139 - 148. ISSN: 0771-5862
Nobus, DM. (1993) 'Unie versalie tijd?'. Rondzendbrief uit het Freudiaanse Veld, XI (54). pp. 1 - 4.
Nobus, DM. (1993) 'De schroom: Een vrouwelijk affect?'. Psychoanalytische Perspektieven, 21. pp. 119 - 129. ISSN: 0771-5862
Nobus, DM. (1993) 'Moeten wij Sade herdenken? I: Aan gene zijde van verguizing en vergoddelijking'. Psychoanalytische Perspektieven, 21. pp. 63 - 93. ISSN: 0771-5862
Nobus, DM. (1993) 'La struttura temporale dell’inconscio'. La Psicoanalisi: Studi internazionali del Campo Freudiano, 14. pp. 27 - 34.
Nobus, DM. (1993) 'El pudor: £un afecto femenino?'. Uno por Uno: Revista Mundial de Psico-anälisis, 34. pp. 4 - 9. ISSN: 1133-8121
Nobus, DM. and Quackelbeen, J. (1993) 'Freud en 'Der Sandmann' of de psychoanalyticus en het literair werk'. Psychoanalytische Perspektieven, 19/20. pp. 79 - 126. ISSN: 0771-5862
Nobus, DM. (1993) 'De artistieke geheimenissen van het unheimliche'. Psychoanalytische Perspektieven, 19/20. pp. 127 - 141. ISSN: 0771-5862
Nobus, DM. (1993) 'Freud versus Jentsch: Een kruistocht tegen de intellectuele onzekerheid'. Psychoanalytische Perspektieven, 19/20. pp. 55 - 65. ISSN: 0771-5862
Nobus, DM. (1993) 'Het ‘Onheimelijke’'. Gent: Idesça.
Nobus, DM. (1993) 'Het unheimliche: Een bibliografisch repertorium'. Psychoanalytische Perspektieven, 19/20. pp. 173 - 183. ISSN: 0771-5862