Professor Caroline Scarles
Professor of Technology in Society
Eastern Gateway Building 203
- Email: caroline.scarles@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265657
Reading for a PhD is an incredible experience and one that opens a whole range of opportunities for skills and knowledge development, personal and professional growth, and networking, not to mention being part of a vibrant, research community with a wide range of academics and research partners. If you are interested in studying for a PhD in the areas that match my own research interests, do email me at: caroline.scarles@brunel.ac.uk
Areas I am currently interested in are as follows:
* technology for social good;
* mixed reality and immersive technologies in arts, culture and heritage;
* connection to nature (physical and virtual, green and blue space) for wellbeing;
* the visual and embodied, multisensorial engagements and interplays
* social media, storytelling and creative narratives of pla
Research supervision
2021 – present Phygital Futures: Investigating the Potential for Phygital Visitor Engagement Solutions in Tourism Destinations in a Post-COVID Era. PhD Candidate: Elisa Mameli. Expected completion: September 2024. First supervisor with Dr Brigitte Stangl. ESRC DTP Studentship.
2020 – present Hearing Impaired Visitors Experience of AR in Arts and Heritage Sites. PhD Candidate: Vanessa Cumper. Expected completion: September 2023. First supervisor with Drs Hongbo Liu & Albert Kimbu. University studentship.
2020 – present Examining the Potential of Vlogs as a Destination Promoter. PhD Candidate: Max Li. Expected Completion: December 2023. Second supervisor with Dr Yoo Ri Kim.
2020 – present Holidaying Together Rather Than Being Alone: Addressing Social Isolation and Building Relationships of Community and Care Through Virtual, Immersive Travel. PhD Candidate: Ayeisha Green. Expected completion: October 2025 (extended registration due to covid related issues). First Supervisor with (Professor Caroline Nicholson (Health Sciences), Dr Jean-Yves Guillemaut (CVSSP), and Dr Richard Green (Health Sciences). ESRC DTP Studentship.
2019 – 2024 Why Murals in My Front Garden? Exploring the Mutual Gaze and the Impacts of Urban Art Towards (Re)Creation of Social Value and Community Identity. PhD Candidate: Rachel Chang. Expected Completion: September 2023. Vice Chancellor Studentship.
2016-2021 Travel to Enlightenment: Can Polar Tourism Act as a Moment of Inspiration, a Lifetime of Action? PhD Candidate: Christy Hehir. Completed: September 2021. First Supervisor with Drs Kayleigh Wyles & Joseph Kantenbacher. ESRC DTP Studentship. 2016-2020 - Digital Communication and Collaboration Platforms for B2V in Tourism. PhD Candidate: Husna Zainal Al Abidin. Completed September 2020. First Supervisor with Dr Christine Lundberg. PhD in partnership with Visit Surrey. University Studentship.
2012 – 2018 - Social Media, Storytelling and Tourism. PhD Candidate: Fred Lund (part-time). Completed May2018. Second Supervisor with Dr Scott Cohen. University Studentship. Part-time study.
2013 – 2017 - Mobilising Ethical behaviour in the UK Tourism Industry. PhD Candidate: Kelsy Hejjas. CompletedNovember 2017. First Supervisor with Prof. Graham Miller.
2012 – 2016 - Politicising the host-guest encounter, PhD Candidate: Lynn Beard. Completed June 2016. FirstSupervisor with Prof. John Tribe. ESRC DTP Studentship.
2012 – 2016 - Effective Capacity Building within Destinations Communities: Tour Operator and LocalCommunity Negotiations. PhD Candidate: Claudia Eger. Completed May 2016. First Supervisorwith Prof. Graham Miller. ESRC DTP Case Studentship.
2008 – 2013 - Networks, Acts and Artefacts: Exploring Actor Network Theory Through Letterboxing, PhDCandidate: Tadashi Yamagata. Completed: November 2013. First Supervisor with Professor JohnTribe.
2007 - 2012 - Pilgrimage and Religiousness as Tourist Practice and Performance, PhD Candidate: MatinaTerzidou. Completed: July 2012. First Supervisor with Prof. Mark Saunders.
2007 – 2011 - The Relationship Between the Film Industry and Tourism in Marketing Destinations, PhDCandidate: Maltika Siripis. Completed: May 2011. First Supervisor with Professor David Airey.
2007 – 2010 - The Development of Tourist Attractions Using Korean Gastronomy. PhD Candidate: Yeong Gug Kim. Completed: October 2010. Second Supervisor with Dr Anita Eves.