Dr Alireza Mousavi
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
UG Teaching
My Teaching responsibilities started in the Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Systems and at present I teach in three Departments of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE), Mechanical and Aerospase Engineering (MAE), and Computer Science (CS).
Previously I was module leader (ML) of Manufacturing Systems (2003-2008) [average cohort size 80, contact hours: 72], Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems (2003-2014) [average cohort size 50, contact hours: 128], Mobile Computing (2005-2012) [average cohort size 50, contact hours: 72], Electronic Business Systems (2008-2018) [average cohort size 50, contact hours: 72], and shared the Programming and Web Development for Digital Media (2008-2018) [average cohort size 70, contact hours: 48].
PG Teaching
Module Leader for Systems Modelling and Simulation (also a full online interactive and video module, separate from the classical teaching mode) [average cohort size 200, contact hours: 120, for Engineering Management, Advanced Manufacturing Systems courses, FT, PT, DL and Interactive Pro], Module Leader for Project Control and Management (2015- to date) [average cohort size 90 in UK and Germany, contact hours: 96], contributing to (30%) to Embedded Systems and Control (2016-to date) [average cohort size 30, contact hours: 36].
Previous module leader of Advanced Manufacturing Systems (2003-2008) [average cohort size 200, contact hours: 72, Engineering Management, Advanced Manufacturing systems courses FT, PT and DL modes] and Advanced Mobile Computing and Web Applications (2005-2013) [average cohort size 30, contact hours: 48].