WC seeks new board member
The СʪƵ Board of Trustees announced the resignation of longtime board member Mac Smith at their July meeting on Thursday.
“Mac served for many years and was chair during construction projects, the addition of bachelor’s degrees, and he was very supportive of the prolific increases in faculty and staff salaries,” said WC President Tod Allen Farmer. “He was a quiet but powerful force on this board for positive change. We deeply appreciate his service to this institution.”
Parker County residents interested in filling the open board seat are encouraged to send a letter of interest along with a minimum of three references to jedwards@wc.edu through July 31. Find more details here. The board will deliberate over the applicants in August and set up interviews to move toward filling the vacant seat.
“Mac and I have been friends all my adult life, and he was my law partner at one point in my career,” said board chairman Dan Carney. “I can’t tell you what an impact he’s had on my life, personally. I want to voice again how grateful we all are to you, Mac, for your service to this institution.”
The board also heard an update from the Occupational Therapy Assistant and Physical Therapist Assistant programs.
Both programs started with a Title III grant at the college’s former Mineral Wells campus and were moved to Weatherford in 2019. The move has proved beneficial, as the programs have been able to cross-train and share equipment and skills with other health science programs on campus.
The OTA program continuously exceeds the national average in graduation and certification exam pass rates. The PTA and OTA programs both boast a 100 percent job placement rate. New PTA graduates earn around $60,000 annually; top earners with experience earn more than $94,000.
Both programs have actively engaged students who participate in service activities and learning with Rocky Hills Farm, the Parker County Senior Center, Tarrant Area Food Bank, local skilled nursing facilities, Stars and Strides Therapeutic Riding Center, The AUsome Allen Foundation and many more.
“Since 2019, we’ve been very involved in interprofessional education activities with the second-year students, and we are now training the first-year students on mobility and transfers,” said PTA program director Cindy Lavine. “Then, at the end of the year, nursing and respiratory care students set up a lab and teach the PTA students the skills for use in the ICU.”
They’ve also partnered with the University of North Texas Health Science Center for team-building activities with their doctoral PT students. They are working on more interprofessional training opportunities for the fall semester.
In other business, the board:
- Approved the minutes of the June 6 board meetings.
- Approved the financial reports ending June 30.
- Approved the intercollegiate athletic insurance renewal proposal from Dissinger Reed.
- Approved the renewal of the commercial charter bus services contract.
- Approved the renewal of the electrical and mechanical services contract.
- Approved the purchase of Canyon West lots 19 and 19R, located adjacent to the pool and pool house at Canyon West Golf Course.
- Received written reports from Wise County, student services, the office of academics, and an update on the progress of the 2024-25 budget.
In his President’s Report, Farmer:
- Congratulated WC student-athlete Robert Fortenberry on this recent recognition as the 2024 National Junior College Athletic Association DI Baseball Pitcher of the Year.
- Recognized the work by the City of Weatherford on a new crosswalk completed on College Park Drive near the residence halls.
- Announced the WC women’s tennis team recently finished tied for 12th place in the NJCAA DI Tournament. This is the third consecutive year of national top 15 finishes for WC women’s tennis.
- Announced the resignations of Ryan Matheny, student support services specialist; Karen Talbott, veterinary technology instructor; Ryan Heckart, executive assistant to the president’s office; Jesse Speirs, head golf coach; Marvella Starlin, associate degree nursing program director; and Kathleen McKenzie, health professions subject matter expert for Workforce Education.
- Provided an enrollment update for the summer and fall semesters. Summer enrollment stands at 2,211 compared to 2,134 this time last year. Fall enrollment is ongoing, with 3,228 compared with 2,658 this time last year, an increase of 21.4 percent.