WC one step closer to securing golf course management
СʪƵ is one step closer to securing golf course management services for Canyon West. The WC Board of Trustees approved authorization for President Tod Allen Farmer to negotiate and complete final documents with Touchstone Golf at their January meeting on Thursday.
Once signed, the contract would go into effect on Feb. 1 and last for two years at a total cost of $168,000 with three optional 1-year renewals.
The board’s motion also included adding three Touchstone Golf employees to the WC golf account at Prosperity Bank.
Representatives from Touchstone attended the meeting to provide an overview of their company history and training opportunities for WC students at the golf course.
“We’re always searching for talent,” said Doug Harker, executive vice president of Touchstone. “We are often building and grooming our own talent. We have the opportunity to partner with someone like [WC] to formally train people in the disciplines necessary to the golf industry, which can lead to job opportunities throughout our system.”
In other business, the board:
- Approved the minutes from the Dec. 7 meeting.
- Approved the financial reports ending Dec. 31.
- Approved the disposal of obsolete and surplus items through e-waste recycling and online auction.
- Approved 2024-25 academic calendar amendments.
- Received written updates from WC Wise County, academics and student services.
- Received a verbal presentation from WC Police Chief Anthony Bigongiari on the purchase of a new bus. The current bus owned by the college has experienced several mechanical problems and does not meet the capacity needs of the baseball and basketball teams.
- Received a verbal presentation from Dave Cowley, general manager of The Coyote radio station. Cowley reported a new antenna will soon go up that will enhance the radio station's coverage on 88.5 FM.
In his President’s Report, Farmer:
- Recognized WC Wise County on their recent recognition as Large Business of the Year at the annual Wise County Chamber of Commerce banquet.
- Congratulated Coach Bob McKinley on a career-level accomplishment of 1,000 wins and reminded the board of the reception on Thursday, Jan. 18, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the Emerging Technologies and Workforce Building to celebrate this accomplishment.
- Recognized Dr. Shannon Ydoyaga, Dr. Alex Ibe, and the many faculty and staff members who planned and executed a successful Connections Week to kick off the spring semester.
- Recognized WC’s Phi Theta Kappa honor society and Vet Tech Club on their successful pet supply drive benefiting the Weatherford/Parker County Animal Shelter.
- Announced the resignation of biology instructor Terence Paddack.
- Provided an enrollment update. As of Thursday, Jan. 4, there were 4,165 students registered for the Spring 2024 semester, compared to a year-to-date enrollment of 4,033 students last year. With enrollment ongoing, that represents an increase of 132 students or a 3.2 percent enrollment increase.