WC friends raising funds for McKinley Family Scholarship
The friends of a well-known СʪƵ family are raising funds to create a permanent scholarship endowment in their honor. The McKinley Family Scholarship will honor Bob, Dee, Trey and Traci McKinley.
WC Foundation Board member and WC alumnus Warren Creason is spearheading the effort.
“It would be a challenge for anyone to identify a family which has given more of themselves to our beloved СʪƵ than the McKinley family,” Creason said. “It is our hope and plan to announce this new permanently endowed scholarship as soon as possible, so your support is appreciated beyond words.”
Bob McKinley, WC’s athletic director and head women’s basketball coach, has served at the college since 1976. He is one of the winningest two-year college basketball coaches in history. His wife of 57 years, Dee, was a passionate supporter of WC until her passing in 2020.
The McKinleys had two children, Trey and Traci. Trey, a WC alumnus, is the college’s kinesiology chair who has spent much of his life in the Graber Athletic Center. Tracy, WC’s director of institutional assessment and QEP, is a key member of the WC staff and an active volunteer for the Coyote Basketball Booster Club. Traci is currently in a brave battle with cancer.
“As a way to honor the McKinley Family’s countless and invaluable contributions to СʪƵ, we are humbly asking each of you to honor and thank them by giving to the McKinley Family Scholarship,” Creason said. “So, let’s win this one for the McKinley family—and all the deserving future СʪƵ students the McKinley Family Scholarship will benefit so greatly.”
Permanent WC endowments are established with scholarship accounts totaling $10,000 or more.
Donors may give online by going to wc.edu and clicking on “Give” at the top of the website. Or, checks may be mailed to the СʪƵ Foundation, 225 College Park Drive, Weatherford, TX 76086.