WC fine arts presents “The Bacchae”
СʪƵ theatre students will perform “The Bacchae” from April 27 to April 29 in the Alkek Fine Arts Center.
Showtime is 7:30 each evening, and admission is free.
Join us for this ancient Greek tragedy, in which a king dares to challenge a god and in doing so brings down the entire royal line.
Dionysus, god of wine, returns to Thebes to dispel the rumor that he is not the son of Zeus. Pentheus, the king of Thebes, refuses to acknowledge Dionysus's divinity and goes so far as to imprison his followers. Dionysus decides to teach the king a lesson, leading to Pentheus's sad and gruesome fate.
Warning, this play contains some graphic imagery, including blood effects. It is not recommended that young children attend.
Keep up with WC’s fine arts events here.