WC Board updated on vet tech program
Sushi, a friendly French Bulldog, made a special appearance at the СʪƵ
Board of Trustees meeting on Thursday.
She was accompanied by veterinary technology instructor Priscilla Martinez and Dr. Adriana Pantazis, vet tech director, to provide a program update. All three were new faces to the board, with Pantazis joining the WC team in July and Martinez in August.
“Sushi helps out with student learning,” Pantazis explained. “She’s one of the most well-mannered, good-natured dogs.”
In addition to new leadership and faculty, the program has updated its admission requirements to include a required math class and provided some grace to students who need to repeat one course.
“It keeps them engaged in the program, and it keeps them loving what they do,” Pantazis said.
Ten students graduated from the vet tech program in May 2024, and another 14 are on track to graduate in May 2025. The fifth student cohort started this fall with 20 of the original 21 continuing to their second semester.
Pantazis said there are plans to include an additional spring start date to increase program capacity.
While working towards their associate degree, students can sit for Certified Veterinary Assistant certificates (CVA 1, CVA 2, CVA 3) after their first, second and third semesters. These certificates help build the student’s resume and provide more workforce experience.
“Our students love what they do, and it’s a very needed career path,” Pantazis said. “As a veterinarian working in the state of Texas, I did not have the opportunity to work with more than one LVT because there just weren’t any. Having students with this education come into practice makes a huge difference.”
In addition, Kathy Williams from Snow Garrett Williams presented the annual financial audit for the 2023-24 fiscal year. Williams had no findings to report, and told the board that the college had increased its net position by nearly $22 million or 10.3 percent from the prior year.
The donation of Canyon West Golf Course from Richard and Nancy Stuart, the completion of Vickie and Jerry Durant Hall, and increased enrollment were all mentioned as positives toward WC’s excellent financial position.
In other business, the board:
- Approved the minutes from the Nov. 14 board meeting.
- Approved the financial reports ending Nov. 30.
- Approved the quarterly investment report.
- Approved the 2025-26 academic calendar.
- Approved a contract quote from Dell Technologies and Dell Financial Services for the purchase of a data center virtual server and storage infrastructure.
- Approved the purchase of one fleet vehicle, a Dodge Durango Police Edition.
- Approved the purchase of a new ultrasound machine for the diagnostic medical sonography program.
- Approved an order for a general election on May 3 for board of trustees Place 1 and Place 2.
- Approved moving forward with a child care and development fund through Workforce Solutions of North Central Texas.
- Received written reports from the Wise County campus, academics office and a student services update.
- Following an executive session, the board rejected a proposal from DL Horton to purchase 40.619 acres of the Carter property for $4.2 million. The property was appraised last year at $5.92 million.
In his President’s Report, Dr. Tod Allen Farmer:
- Congratulated Samantha Grimsley on being named the 2024 Texas EMS Educator of the Year.
- Announced a new partnership between WC and Sam Houston State University for graduates of WC’s bachelor’s in organizational leadership.
- Congratulated the WC volleyball team on their 9th place finish at the national tournament.
- Announced that the college had five student-athletes named All-American in 2024, the most in a calendar year in college history.
- Recognized the WC cosmetology department for their community involvement throughout the holiday season, providing services to residents of area assisted living facilities.
- Announced the resignation of William Dove, information technologies instructor, and Jade Stults, Student Support Services coordinator. And announced the retirement of Jim Carmichael, Window’s system administrator.
- Provided a Spring 2025 enrollment report. As of Monday, Dec. 16, 4,317 students were registered compared to 3,360 students last year. With enrollment ongoing, that represents an increase of 557 students or a 14.8 percent enrollment increase.
- Announced that all board members have completed their annual trustee training required by the state of Texas.