WC board receives social media update
February 18, 2025
Crystal Woerly, public relations director, provided a social media update to the Weatherford
College Board of Trustees at their February meeting on Thursday.
The report highlighted the college’s diverse approach to reaching various audiences
online to share WC’s story. It also showcased the power of analytics, demonstrating
how the college tracks the reach and engagement of its posts.
Examples of top-performing posts, including content from departmental pages like the
EMS Academy and athletic teams, highlighted the importance of decentralized content
Woerly also emphasized the success of short-form video content and walked the board
through the experience of having a video go viral.
"People want to see authentic content, and that's what we're trying to provide,” she
In other business, the board:
Approved the minutes of the Jan. 16 board meeting.
Approved the financial reports ending Jan. 31.
Approved TASB police service update No. 48.
Approved the operation and management of the СʪƵ Bookstore.
Approved the purchase of fleet vehicles.
Approved the disposal of obsolete and surplus items through online auction.
Approved the construction manager-at-risk as the method of construction that provides the best value and delegation of authority to the college president for the WC student union project.
Approved a change order for the Durant Hall construction contract to include the demolition of the Mince Building and the addition of approximately 55 parking spaces.
Approved a resolution to join an interlocal cooperative purchasing agreement with TXShare - North Center Texas Council of Governments.
Approved the renewal of the Lightcast software subscription.
Received written reports from WC Wise County, academics and student services.
Received a written report on the proposed 2025-26 tuition and fees. No changes are proposed to next year's rates.
In his President’s Report, Dr. Tod Allen Farmer:
Recognized the WC Wise County campus for its 25th anniversary celebration.
Announced that 88 percent of WC students receive grants or scholarships compared to a comparison group average of 60 percent according to the 2024 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System.
Announced the WC rodeo team is well positioned to send cowboys and cowgirls to Casper, Wyoming, for the 20th consecutive College National Finals Rodeo.
Announced the retirements of Tonya Piehl, respiratory care program director, and Mary Harm, information technology instructor.
Announced the enrollment exceeded 6,000 students for the first time in WC history for a spring semester. Census date enrollment was 6,033 students compared to 5,185 students that date last year, a 16 percent increase.