WC board discusses management of Canyon West
The СʪƵ Board of Trustees discussed management service options for Canyon West Golf Course at their December meeting Thursday afternoon.
Four companies submitted proposals that meet the college’s specifications to manage the golf course. The lowest-priced proposal came from Touchstone Golf, the only Texas-owned company in the group, and is the recommendation of the selection committee.
Dr. Andra Cantrell, executive vice president for financial and administrative services, said the committee selected Touchstone based on their 18 years of experience managing 39 golf courses and their references, which include the municipal golf course in Fredericksburg that has seen significant growth since working with the company.
Following an executive session, the board authorized President Tod Allen Farmer or his designee to enter contract negotiations with Touchstone Golf.
“As Jesse [Speirs, WC’s golf coach,] said, it’s hard to get a tee time anywhere in Fort Worth when you want it, so they’re going to come this direction,” Cantrell said. “That course is going to grow, and we want it to grow in the right direction.”
In other business, the board:
- Approved the minutes of the Nov. 9 meeting.
- Approved the financial reports ending Nov. 30.
- Approved the quarterly investment report.
- Approved the 2024-25 academic calendar.
- Approved quotes for diagnosis medical ultrasound systems for the cardiovascular sonography and sonography programs.
- Approved the 2022-23 financial audit completed by Snow Garrett Williams.
- Received written reports from the Wise County campus, academics and student services.
- Received a verbal report from volleyball coach Kailee May on the team’s regional and national success and the program’s future.
In his President’s Report, Farmer:
- Recognized the board members for their service as part of Trustee Appreciation Month.
- Publicized the Phi Theta Kappa honor society's pet supply donation drive in partnership with the WC Vet Tech Club to benefit the Weatherford/Parker County Animal Shelter.
- Highlighted the recent American Cancer Society’s Great American Smokeout event promoted by WC respiratory care students.
- Announced Selanny Puente as WC’s first-ever NJCAA All-American volleyball player.
- Reminded the board of the upcoming Turkey Drive Luncheon on Thursday, Dec. 14 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Emerging Technologies and Workforce Building.
- Announced the resignation of Eddie White, substance abuse/human service program director.
- Reported that all WC trustees are fully trained, with the exception of trustee G.B. Bailey, who is in the process of completing the orientation training.
- Provided a spring semester enrollment report. As of Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2,713 students were registered, compared to a year-to-date enrollment of 2,584 students last year, a 4.99 percent enrollment increase.