WC board approves 2021-26 strategic plans
The СʪƵ Board of Trustees approved the 2021-26 academic, technology
and facilities strategic plans during the January board meeting Thursday.
The plans provide guidance for future planning and assessment at the college.
Mike King, a planner with Huckabee Architects, spoke specifically on the facilities plan which includes a number of new buildings, green spaces and a parking garage for the Weatherford campus.
The conceptual plan includes a new student union building and large green spaces to be used as student activity zones in what is now the main parking lot.
“As we come into campus now, the concern was ‘What catches our eye? What do we want to see when we first drive into campus,’ King asked. “Right now you see a large parking lot and that’s our impression of СʪƵ. First impressions are very important. So we felt like what needed to happen is a new student union building could possibly be located in this place.”
From there, a pathway would connect the new roundabout on College Park Drive to the historic arch at the top of the hill. The green space could be a place for student activities and group meetings.
To replace lost parking, a garage could be constructed on top of existing parking.
Other possible structures in the five-year facilities strategic plan include additional student housing and a new tennis center.
Looking further into the future, the plan calls for a possible addition to the Don Allen Health Science Building, creating additional pedestrian pathways, a new business building and a new gymnasium/coliseum.
The facilities strategic plan presented by Huckabee and approved by the board does not bind the college to build any of the structures outlined in the plan.
“Strategic planning is generally a view from 30,000 feet,” said Dan Curlee, WC general counsel. “As we consider things from that view we know the devil’s in the details. We also know that if we’re planning something that’s supposed to give us guidance for five years, it has to be revisited on a regular basis.”
View the entire facilities strategic plan presented by Huckabee online at .
In other business, the board:
- Approved the minutes from the Dec. 10 board meeting.
- Approved the financial reports ending Dec. 31.
- Approved the 2021-22 academic calendar.
- Approved the disposal of obsolete and surplus items through online auction for the truck driving academy.
- Approved the order of election for Board of Trustees Place 3, Place 4 and Place 5. The election will take place on May 1, and the positions are currently held by Dr. Trev Dixon, Dave Cowley and Dan Carney, who have all filed for the election.
- Received an update on the 2016-20 strategic plan.
- Received an update on Guided Pathways and the Quality Enhancement Plan.
- Received a demand study update.
In a written President’s Report, Dr. Tod Allen Farmer:
- Reported that the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has informed WC that the college’s proposal to create a new Bachelor’s of Applied Arts and Sciences Degree in Organizational Leadership has been approved at the staff level with full board approval anticipated this summer and courses scheduled to begin in the Fall 2021 semester.
- Recognized former Lady Coyote Jessica Cundiff who is now working as a paleontologist at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University.
- Recognized theatre alumnus Joshua Davis, who attended WC from 2013-17, on securing roles in the forthcoming movies “Coming to America 2” and “Aretha.”
- Announced the resignation of secretary Paula Hibbert and the retirement of Paul Stone, WC chief of police.