The Power of Collaboration
Collaboration has always been the “secret sauce” of highly successful individuals, organizations, communities, and nations. People working together with a shared vision and common purpose become a powerful force. Individuals who learn to harness the power of the collective to the benefit of all can accomplish amazing achievements.
We do not always realize just how engrained collaboration is in our social DNA as Americans. Barn raising in colonial times was a community event. Colonists depended upon one another and looked out for each other. Later, wave after wave of primarily European immigrants formed ethnic enclaves that collaborated for mutual benefit. Later still during World War II, Americans joined the Allies to defeat the Axis powers and literally preserve democracy as we know it. Throughout our history, we have collaborated with those of common interests for a variety of ends.
Modern technology has accelerated collaborative activity. Technology leader Bill Gates said, “The PC has improved the world in just about every area you can think of. Amazing developments in communications, collaboration, and efficiencies. New kinds of entertainment and social media. Access to information and the ability to give a voice to people who would never have been heard.”
Such advances in technology are simultaneously changing the status quo and creating new opportunities for collaboration. New York Times bestselling author Thomas Friedman wrote, “Several technological and political forces have converged, and that has produced a global, Web-enabled playing field that allows for multiple forms of collaboration without regard to geography or distance – or soon, even language.” The future benefits of collaboration to our great nation are immeasurable.
The power of collaboration has not been lost on СʪƵ. Our faculty collaborated during the COVID-19 pandemic to move over 1,000 courses to a fully online instructional format. Recognizing the impact of technology on collaboration, we have launched high tech programs in robotics, drone technology, cybersecurity, allied health fields, and many other technology rich disciplines. Our WC social media platforms and followings continue to expand.
СʪƵ has collaborated with city, county, state, and national officials in mutually beneficial ways. We have collaborated with elected officials, as well as state and federal agencies. СʪƵ stakeholders and donors have collaborated in ways that have expanded our students’ educational opportunities and enhanced our educational infrastructure. We constantly strive to collaborate with business and industry to provide technologically savvy workers that can spur business growth and economic development.
WC collaborates with and hosts civic clubs like the Optimist Club, the Lions Club, and the Kiwanis Club. We are very pleased to now welcome the Rotary Club and the Parker County Retired School Personnel Association to the WC campus. Chambers of commerce, state legislators, area transportation officials, law enforcement agencies, and school superintendents have all utilized our facilities in collaborative ways.
I am of the humble opinion that we live in the greatest place on Earth to work and raise a family. Furthermore, we can make this place even better by working together in an ever-increasing collaborative manner. We are surrounded by caring people who want to make our home greater still. I can’t wait to see what develops in our shared future. I am exceedingly confident that through the power of collaboration, the best is yet to come!
Tod Allen Farmer
President, СʪƵ