Growing Stronger
The process of growing stronger is just that…a process. In a physical sense, it is the process of breaking down muscle tissue through exercise and rebuilding muscle tissue through a high protein diet and rest. Growing stronger is the result of both disciplined exercise and a balanced diet applied consistently over a sustained period of time. Simply put, the input of exercise, diet, and rest results in the output of stronger muscles.
Whether you are talking about growing stronger bodies, stronger organizations, or stronger communities, the same concept of disciplined actions leading to desirable outcomes is applicable. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.” It takes a strong will and an unrelenting commitment to grow stronger.
The five-county service area of СʪƵ is unquestionably growing. The question is, how will we grow? Will our roads, bridges, and overpasses keep pace with rapid population growth? Will our social infrastructure meet our future societal demands? Will we attract and retain persons of character that will allow us to preserve our cherished way of life? What types of businesses will we attract, and what long term impact will they have on our community?
We at СʪƵ believe that we have a responsibility to proactively prepare for growth in a disciplined manner. We must grow stronger as an institution. It is imperative that our students attain the skills necessary to become productive members of our community. They must be prepared to meet the ever-increasing labor demands of business and industry. It is essential that they become productive, tax paying citizens rather than the dependents of social services programs. We must collectively work hard to become even better at what we do.
Just as physical health demands the will power to limit the intake of comfort foods and to exercise our bodies, growing stronger as an organization requires an iron will. Legendary football coach Vince Lombardi said, “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” As individuals, organizations, or communities, will we make comfortable decisions or will we make the challenging decisions that help us to grow stronger?
I have an unwavering confidence that our home will become an even better place to live, work, and raise a family. However, it will not happen by accident. It will be the direct result of the willpower and disciplined actions of the people who make up our great community. Our dynamic citizens will meet the challenges of growth head on, and they will make the disciplined decisions necessary for our community to grow stronger.
The future is ours to shape, and I believe that our citizens will sculpt something of beauty. I relish in the thought of our community and our college growing even stronger.
Tod Allen Farmer
President, СʪƵ