Electric vehicle charging stations coming to WC campus
The СʪƵ Board of Trustees approved a proposal from Imperial Construction
for the installation of electric vehicle charging stations on the Weatherford campus during
their April meeting on Thursday.
Funds for the project, up to $295,050, are allocated from a grant awarded by the North Central Texas Council of Governments via an interlocal agreement signed and approved by the board in March.
Imperial Construction was the only vendor to return a bid. Their proposed amount is $247,392 to install the electric vehicle charging equipment provided by Blink Charging at a cost of $41,555.
A total of 14 charging stations, along with lighting and security cameras, will be installed in the parking lot on the east side of the Alkek Fine Arts Center. The charging stations will be free for public use for the first year, with the board having the option to add a usage fee after that time if they so choose. The project will be completed by July 31.
Shanna Mello, WC’s legal service manager, wrote the grant proposal and received letters of support from State Representative Phil King and State Senator Drew Springer.
“Because of [King and Springer’s] support and Shanna's work, we had the highest-ranked grant application in the competitive process,” said WC President Tod Allen Farmer. “We're very appreciative both of Shanna’s hard work and especially appreciative of the support that we've received from our elected officials.”
Electric charging stations for the Wise County campus are in the planning stages.
In his president’s report, Farmer:
- Announced the college’s first 4+1 agreement with Our Lady of the Lake University and that several more agreements are in the works with other universities.
- Commended Vance Christie and the crew of volunteers who recently hosted more than 3,000 FFA students from 183 chapters across the state of the Career Development Event competition.
- Recognized the baseball and softball teams on their national rankings and outstanding seasons that are currently in progress.
- Announced the retirement of Pauline Jones, radiology technology instructor and clinical coordinator.
- Announced the resignation of Janetta Kruse, dean of workforce and technical education; Nikki Harless, director of financial aid; Lori Morris, library clerk; Melissa Massey, associate degree nursing instructor; Ernie Gallegos, testing center assistant; Adedoyin Oshiyoye, economics instructor; and Lauren Tidwell, biology instructor.
In other business, the board:
- Approved the minutes from the March 9 meeting.
- Approved the financial reports ending March 31.
- Approved a comprehensive, fully integrated assessment and student success system for data collection and analytics.
- Approved an Omnia Partners cooperative contract quote for a diagnostic medical sonography ultrasound system.
- Approved a new Associate of Applied Science degree in agriculture/agribusiness.
- Approved a bid from Tarrant Construction for the stair and handrail replacement and repairs project.
- Approved a proposal from Imperial Construction for the Carter Property site development project to clear the land and install wastewater management for the future site of a Chick-fil-A.
- Received a written academic and student services update including data from the Day One Access initiative that is saving students an average of $67.07 per course, a 48 percent savings. Courses listed as Day One Access include a fee for the required textbook at a discounted cost. An e-book is then available to students on the first day of class, saving them money and increasing their chances of success in the classroom.
- Heard a presentation from Doug Jefferson, associate dean of student development, and Grant Mills, student life coordinator on activities happening in their area of the college. They discussed the growing number of student life activities and the increasing number of students taking advantage of field night, cookouts, clubs and other activities.