Award-winning pianist to perform Schubert recital at WC
Internationally renowned concert pianist Gustavo Romero will perform a free recital
in СʪƵ’s Alkek Fine Arts Center on Monday, Sept. 26 at 7:30 p.m.
Romero is renowned for technical brilliance and was hailed as a “pianist of genius” by The Washington Post. He began playing piano at age 5 and performing at age 10. At 13 he performed with the New York Philharmonic, and at 14 he attended the Juilliard School.
He has since traveled the world and won countless competitions and is currently a professor of piano at the University of North Texas.
For his 2022-23 season, Romero is celebrating Schubert’s contribution to piano on the 225th anniversary of his birth.
“The great miracle of Schubert’s genius is that while he only lived to the age of 31, he wrote over 1,500 works including over 600 songs for solo voice and piano,” Romero said. “This program presents four of his 21 sonatas and includes music that Schubert never heard performed during his lifetime.”