Intelligent Network Protocol

IntelligentNetworkProtocoIn any Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET), a single routing protocol is in use during the communication time without considering the MANET context, in spite the fact that MANET context affects the routing protocol performance. Changes in the MANET context lead to changes in the routing protocol behaviour for better or worse performance. My work introduces a novel intelligent Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) routing protocol which is adaptable to the variations in the MANET context as the intelligent module selects four important parameters which indicate the changes in the network context. This intelligent system module learns the network’s performance then selects the optimum routing protocol that gives the best performance according to network context such as: number and mobility of the nodes, the selector suggests the optimum network context for that situation. This intelligent MANET can deploy each protocol to its best advantage, by chosen the routing protocol depending on the network context and given the most suitable network context for that situation.