Email safety tips

Cyber guidance

​When we send emails, we run the risk of it being intercepted. To minimise this risk, we take certain precautions – such as choosing the best method for sharing the information and protecting it in transit. Email is the most common form of information exchange in most organisations. Because of this we have guidelines in place to ensure that information sent is protected and reaches its destination safely.

Question: I am in desperate need to complete my financial forecast this evening for the Management Team meeting tomorrow morning. Is it ok for me to send the docu​ment to my personal email so that I can work from home?

Answer: You should not email University Confidential information to your personal email address. Instead, take your laptop home with you. If this is not possible, consult with Information Services for the appropriate method for accessing sensitive University information from home.

Best practice guidelines

  • Never send university confidential information to a personal account – including your own.
  • Always check the recipients before sending any email, particularly if you are sending university confidential information.
  • Always ask yourself whether you are copying the email to anyone who does not need to be copied. The more people who have access to the information the harder it is to control distribution.
  • Password protect your files to prevent unauthorised access. The safest way to share a password is over the telephone.