Intelligent Digital Economy and Society

Our work is aligned with the following research challenge areas:

We promote social unity and enhance economic impact by employing digital technologies

Browse our work We promote social unity and enhance economic impact by employing digital technologies
digital health

Planetary Health and Human Health

  • Digital technologies increase productivity and efficiency in healthcare, improving planetary health and increasing people’s wellbeing.
woman and moon on screen

Global, Secure, Connected Communities

  • Digital technologies change the ways society operates to enhance people’s quality of life by changing the economic, social and cultural eco system, improve social justice and equality, diplomacy and policy making, security methods to mitigate the impacts of climate change, conflict and mass migration.

Digital Futures, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

  • Digital technologies provide technological breakthroughs that transform healthcare, education, manufacturing, the built environment and business models, promoting social cohesion and human mobility while mitigating the impacts of climate change and ageing populations and protecting against cybercrime.
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Clean Energy, Sustainable Growth, Circular and Bio Economies

  • Technological innovations improve air quality, supply chains for food, energy and water for people globally, through the efficient use of resources, transformative economies and behaviours, the development of smart cities and the mitigation of the impacts of climate change.

Smart Manufacturing and Materials Innovation

  • Digital technologies improve the sustainability, design, integrity and performance of manufacturing processes and products, through more efficient use of resources, development of novel materials and pioneering Industry 4.0, leading to socio-economic and environmental benefits.

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