Dr Susan Grant
Senior Lecturer
Tower A 206
- Email: susan.grant@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265384
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Grant, S. and Preston, T. (2018) ''. Information and Management, 56 (5). pp. 625 - 639. ISSN: 0378-7206
Grant, S. (2016) ''. Journal of Knowledge Management, 20 (5). pp. 898 - 917. ISSN: 1367-3270
Grant, SB. (2009) 'Supply chain orientation in UK machine tool manufacturing SME’s'.16th International Annual EurOMA Conference. Goteborg Sweden. 14 - 17 June. [unpublished]
Pezeshki, V., Mousavi, A. and Grant, S. (2009) ''. Measuring Business Excellence, 13 (1). pp. 82 - 92. ISSN: 1368-3047
Gupta, S., Grant, S. and Melewar, TC. (2008) ''. Management Decision, 46 (6). pp. 948 - 960. ISSN: 0025-1747
Grant, S. (2006) '"Post contractual Opportunism in Supply Chain Partnerships: The role of market culture"'.IPSERA 16th Annual Conference. San Diego, USA. 6 - 8 April.
Grant, S. (2005) '"Supply Chain restructuring in UK Aerospace"'.Marketing Management Association Conference. Chicago USA. [unpublished]
Grant, SB. (2002) 'Case methodology and preliminary findings of lean practice in the UK aerospace industry'. International Journal of Aerospace Management, 1 (4). pp. 315 - 328. ISSN: 1469-3429
Grant, S. (1999) '‘‘Case СʪÃÃÊÓƵ Methodology Used on the UK Lean Aerospace Initiative’’'.Fourth International Symposium on Logistics. Florence, Italy - July 1999. [unpublished]
Grant, S. (1999) '“Mixed Motives in Supply Chain Partnerships’’'.IPSERA 8th Annual Conference. Ireland March 1999. [unpublished]