Dr Stanley Gaines
Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Quad North 128
- Email: stanley.gaines@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 265485
- Psychology
Research area(s)
Effects of interpresonal attitudes (incorporating attachment orientations) and interpersonal traits on pro-relationship behaviour (e.g., accommodation, forgiveness) in close relationships; covariance among aspects of ethnic identity (including exploration, commitment, ethnic speech, and ethnic actions); unidimensionality versus multidimensionality of measures concerning inner wellbeing.
Research Interests
I am a social psychologist who examines individual differences in various aspects of social behaviour, especially (though not exclusively) within close relationships. Not only do I conduct empirical research on personality and social behaviour; but I also write theoretical books on personality (and, usually, social behaviour within close relationships).
Research grants and projects
Research Projects
Project details
ESRC/UKAid £499,894 August 2010 - May 2014 Stanley O Gaines Jr (CI)
Research links
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