Dr Rabee Shamass
Senior Lecturer in Structural Engineering
Howell Building 254
- Email: rabee.shamass@brunel.ac.uk
- Tel: +44 (0)1895 268022
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
Rabi, M., Jweihan, YS., Abarkan, I., Vendramell Ferreira, FP., Shamass, R., Limbachiya, V., et al. (2024) ''. Results in Engineering, 21. pp. 1 - 15. ISSN: 2590-1230
Olonade, KA., Shamass, R., McCann, F., Abiodun, YO., Jin, R. and Rossi, F. (2023) ''. NanoWorld Journal, 9 (S2). pp. S485 - S491.
Mehwish, J., Cashell, KA. and Shamass, R. (2023) ''.5th Conference on Sustainability in Civil Engineering (CSCE). Islamabad, Pakistan. 7 - 3 August. MDPI. pp. 1 - 5.
Rabi, M., Abarkan, I. and Shamass, R. (2023) ''. Steel Construction, 0 (ahead of print). pp. 1 - 11. ISSN: 1867-0520
Ferreira, FPV., Shamass, R., Santos, LFP., Tsavdaridis, KD. and Limbachiya, V. (2023) ''. Structures, 55. pp. 245 - 262. ISSN: 2352-0124
Shamass, R., Rispoli, O., Limbachiya, V. and Kovacs, R. (2023) ''. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 18. pp. 1 - 15. ISSN: 2214-5095
Sarfarazi, S., Shamass, R., Mascolo, I., Della Corte, G. and Guarracino, F. (2023) ''. Metals, 13 (4). pp. 1 - 19.
Rabi, M., Ferreira, FPV., Abarkan, I., Limbachiya, V. and Shamass, R. (2023) ''. Results in Engineering, 17. pp. 1 - 11. ISSN: 2590-1230
Abarkan, I., Shamass, R., Achegaf, Z. and Khamlichi, A. (2022) ''. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 144 (6). pp. 1 - 11. ISSN: 0094-9930
Pan, Z., Chen, J., Zhan, Q., Wang, S., Jin, R., Shamass, R. and et al. (2022) ''. Construction and Building Materials, 348. pp. 1 - 11. ISSN: 0950-0618
Shamass, R., Ferreira, FPV., Limbachiya, V., Santos, LFP. and Tsavdaridis, KD. (2022) ''. Thin-Walled Structures, 180. pp. 1 - 11. ISSN: 0263-8231
Abarkan, I., Khamlichi, A. and Shamass, R. (2022) ''. International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering, 13 (1). pp. 54 - 62. ISSN: 2062-0810
Rabi, M., Shamass, R. and Cashell, KA. (2022) ''. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 19 (12). pp. 1847 - 1859. ISSN: 1573-2479
Ferreira, FPV., Shamass, R., Santos, LFP., Limbachiya, V. and Tsavdaridis, KD. (2022) ''. Thin-Walled Structures, 175. pp. 1 - 18. ISSN: 0263-8231
Rabi, M., Shamass, R. and Cashell, KA. (2022) ''. Construction and Building Materials, 325. pp. 1 - 14. ISSN: 0950-0618
Shamass, R., Mahi, B., Cashell, KA., Abarkan, I. and El-Khannoussi, F. (2022) ''. Engineering Structures, 255. pp. 1 - 13. ISSN: 0141-0296
Ferreira, FPV., Shamass, R., Limbachiya, V., Tsavdaridis, KD. and Martins, CH. (2022) ''. Thin-Walled Structures, 170. pp. 108592 - 108592. ISSN: 0263-8231
Rabi, M., Cashell, K. and Shamass, R. (2021) ''. Engineering Structures, 248. pp. 1 - 16. ISSN: 0141-0296
Abarkan, I., Khamlichi, A. and Shamass, R. (2021) ''. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 144 (2). pp. 1 - 12. ISSN: 0094-9930
Limbachiya, V. and Shamass, R. (2021) ''. Thin-Walled Structures, 161. pp. 107414 - 107414. ISSN: 0263-8231
Rabi, M., Cashell, KA., Shamass, R. and Desnerck, P. (2020) ''. Engineering Structures, 221 (15 Oct 2020). pp. 1 - 13. ISSN: 0141-0296
Shamass, R. and Cashell, KA. (2020) ''. Engineering Structures, 220. pp. 1 - 16. ISSN: 0141-0296
Shamass, R. (2020) ''. Frontiers in Built Environment, 6.
Shamass, R. and Guarracino, F. (2020) ''. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 166. pp. 105911 - 105911. ISSN: 0143-974X
Shamass, R., Alfano, G. and Guarracino, F. (2019) ''. Thin-Walled Structures, 143. pp. 106190 - 106190. ISSN: 0263-8231
Rabi, M., Cashell, KA. and Shamass, R. (2019) ''. Engineering Structures, 198. pp. 109432 - 109432. ISSN: 0141-0296
Rabi, M., Cashell, KA. and Shamass, R. (2019) 'Analysis of concrete beams reinforced with stainless steel'.fib Symposium. Krakow, Poland. 27 - 29 May. Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019: Concrete - Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures. pp. 690 - 697.
Kovacs, R., Shamass, R., Limbachiya, V. and Datoo, M. (2019) 'Experimental investigation on the behaviour of recycled aggregate concrete'. Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies. ISSN: 2515-3048
Rabi, M., Cashell, KA. and Shamass, R. (2019) 'Analysis of concrete beams reinforced with stainless steel'. fib Symposium. pp. 690 - 697. ISSN: 2617-4820
Shamass, R. and Cashell, KA. (2018) ''. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 152. pp. 132 - 142. ISSN: 0143-974X
Shamass, R., Alfano, G. and Guarracino, F. (2018) ''. Computational and Experimental Methods in Structures, 9. pp. 35 - 64. ISSN: 2044-9283
Shamass, R. and Cashell, KA. (2017) ''. Structures, 12. pp. 88 - 101. ISSN: 2352-0124
Shamass, R., Alfano, G. and Guarracino, F. (2016) ''. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 17 (7). pp. 1750072 - 1750072. ISSN: 0219-4554
Shamass, R., Zhou, X. and Wu, Z. (2016) ''. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22 (1). ISSN: 1943-5592
Shamass, R., Alfano, G. and Guarracino, F. (2016) 'On the elasto-plastic stability analysis of circular cylindrical shells'. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures, SDSS 2016. pp. 639 - 646.
Shamass, R., Alfano, G. and Guarracino, F. (2015) ''. Thin Walled Structures, 95. pp. 347 - 362. ISSN: 0263-8231
Shamass, R., Alfano, G. and Guarracino, F. (2015) ''. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015. pp. 1 - 10. ISSN: 1563-5147
Shamass, R., Zhou, X. and Alfano, G. (2014) ''. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 20 (6). ISSN: 1943-5592
Shamass, R., Alfano, G. and Guarracino, F. (2014) ''. Engineering Structures, 75. pp. 429 - 447. ISSN: 0141-0296
Shamass, R., Alfano, G. and Guarracino, F. (2014) 'A numerical investigation into the plastic buckling of circular cylinders'.10th Jubilee Conference on Shell Structures - Theory and Applications (SSTA). Gdansk, POLAND. 1 - 18 October. CRC PRESS-TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP. pp. 441 - 444.