Mark Atherton
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- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Sorce, S., Malizia, A., Gentile, V., Jiang, P., Atherton, M. and Harrison, D. (2021) ''.7th International Symposium on End-User Development (IS-EUD 2019). University of Hertfordshire. 10 - 12 July. Springer International Publishing. pp. 166 - 173. ISSN: 0302-9743
Jiang, P. and Atherton, M. (2021) 'A multi-objective approach for improving real-time audio peak reduction and speech clarity in a dental drill noise reduction device'. Journal of Engineering, 0.
Jiang, P. and Atherton, M. (2019) 'Additive Manufacture of passive acoustic filters: a feasibility study'.Rapid Design Prototyping and Manufacturing 16th Conference. СʪÃÃÊÓƵ London.
Almurshedi, A., Atherton, M., Mares, C. and Stolarski, T. (2019) ''. Journal of Applied Physics, 125 (9). pp. 1 - 12. ISSN: 0021-8979
Atherton, M., Hill, S., Harrison, D. and Ajovalsit, M. (2019) ''. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 234 (3). pp. 1 - 13. ISSN: 0954-4097
Jiang, P., Atherton, M., Sorce, S., Harrison, D. and Malizia, A. (2018) ''. Journal of Engineering Design, 29 (10). pp. 596 - 615. ISSN: 0954-4828
Sorce, S., Malizia, A., Jiang, P., Atherton, M. and Harrison, D. (2018) ''.2nd International Conference on Graphics, Images and Interactive Techniques. The City View Hotel, Hong Kong. 23 - 25 February. IOP Publishing. pp. 012024 - 012024. ISSN: 1742-6588
Atherton, M., Hill, SA., Harrison, DJ. and Ajovalasit, M. (2017) 'Feasibility of Robotic Autonomous System for Train Fluid Servicing'.RRUKA Annual Conference. King's Place, London. 16 - 16 November.
Mita, K., Miyatake, M., Atherton, M., Mares, C., Yoshimoto, S. and Stolarski, T. (2017) 'Non-contact Handling Equipment Utilising Ultrasonic Vibration'.World Tribology Congress. Beijing, China. 17 - 22 September.
Atherton, M., Jiang, P., Harrison, D. and Malizia, A. (2017) ''. Research in Engineering Design, 29 (2). pp. 245 - 262. ISSN: 0934-9839
Jiang, P., Atherton, M., Harrison, D. and Malizia, A. (2017) 'Framework of mechanical design knowledge representations for avoiding patent infringement'.ICED17 21st International Conference on Engineering Design. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 21 - 25 August. Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED. pp. 81 - 90. ISSN: 2220-4334
Hill, SA., Atherton, M., Ajovalasit, M. and Harrison, D. (2017) 'Robust automated servicing of passenger train fluids'.The Stephenson Conference: Research for Railways. IMechE, 1 Bridcage Walk, London. 25 - 27 April.
Li, Z., Atherton, M. and Harrison, D. (2014) ''. World Patent Information, 39 (Dec 2014). pp. 11 - 23. ISSN: 0172-2190
Atherton, MA., Mares, C. and Stolarski, TA. (2014) ''. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 228 (9). pp. 916 - 927. ISSN: 1350-6501
Gegov, E., Postorino, MN., Atherton, M. and Gobet, F. (2013) ''. Advances in Complex Systems, 16 (1). pp. 1 - 21. ISSN: 0219-5259
Halliday, I., Atherton, M., Care, CM., Collins, MW., Evans, D., Evans, PC., et al. (2011) ''. Medical Engineering and Physics, 33 (7). pp. 840 - 848. ISSN: 1350-4533
Cavazzuti, M., Atherton, MA., Collins, MW. and Barozzi, GS. (2011) ''. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART H-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE, 225 (H6). pp. 597 - 609. ISSN: 0954-4119
Oldfield, MJ., Atherton, MA., Bates, RA., Perry, MA. and Wynn, HP. (2010) ''. Journal of Electroceramics, 25 (1). pp. 45 - 55. ISSN: 1385-3449
Cavazzuti, M., Atherton, M., Collins, M. and Barozzi, G. (2010) ''. Journal of Biomechanics, 43 (13). pp. 2645 - 2647. ISSN: 0021-9290
Tesch, K., Atherton, MA., Karayiannis, TG., Collins, MW. and Edwards, P. (2009) ''. Journal of Engineering Optimisation, 41 (9). pp. 855 - 870. ISSN: 1029-0273
Edwards, P., Tesch, K., Karayiannis, TG., Collins, MW., Atherton, MA., Young, P., et al. (2009) ''. Fusion Engineering and Design, vol 84 (n. 2-6). pp. 716 - 721. ISSN: 0920-3796
Tharmakulasingam, R., Alfano, G. and Atherton, M. (2008) 'Reduction of gear pair transmission error with tooth profile modification'.International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA 2008). Leuven, Belgium. 15 - 17 September. KATHOLIEKE UNIV LEUVEN, DEPT WERKTUIGKUNDE. pp. 1141 - 1152.
Tesch, K., Atherton, MA., Karayiannis, TG., Collins, MW. and Edwards, P. (2008) 'Heat transfer coefficient calibrations by means of evolutionary algorithms'.8th International Conference on Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture. Bristol, UK. 29 - 1 May. University of the West of England.
Atherton, M., Khir, AW., Cavazzuti, M., Barozzi, G. and Collins, M. (2008) ''. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 62 (8). pp. 504 - 505. ISSN: 0753-3322
Atherton, MA., Collins, MW. and Dayer, MJ. (2008) 'Repair and redesign of physiological systems'. Southampton, UK: WIT Press. ISSN 13: 978-1-84564-096-5
Perry, M., Bates, RA., Wynn, HP. and Atherton, MA. (2008) ''. Smart Materials and Structures, 17 (1). pp. 015015 - 015015. ISSN: 0964-1726
Perry, MA., Atherton, MA., Bates, RA. and Wynn, HP. (2008) ''. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 345 (3). pp. 282 - 292. ISSN: 0016-0032
Kaymak, E., Atherton, MA., Rotter, KRG. and Millar, B. (2006) 'Active noise control for high frequencies'.13th International Congress on Sound & Vibration. Vienna, Austria. 2 - 6 July. Vienna University of Technology. pp. 275 - 281.
Atherton, MA. and Bates, RA. (2006) 'Searching for improvement', in Bryant, JA., Atherton, MA. and Collins, MW. (eds.) Design and Information in Biology: From Molecules to Systems. pp. 345 - 379.
Atherton, MA. and Bates, RA. (2004) ''. Engineering Optimization, 36 (2). pp. 207 - 217. ISSN: 0305-215X
Atherton, M. and Bates, R. (2004) 'Robustness and complexity', in Collins, MW., Atherton, MA. and Bryant, JA. (eds.) Nature and Design. pp. 63 - 83.
Atherton, MA., Collins, MW. and Dodds, SR. (2003) 'A design approach to spiral artery haemodynamics: Distribution of wall shear and relevance to atherogenesis'.BioFluids Symposium. Pasadena, California. 12 - 14 December. [unpublished]
Tesch, K., Atherton, MA. and Collins, MW. (2002) 'Genetic algorithms search for stent design improvements'.ACD&M 2002. Exeter. 16 - 18 June. Springer-Verlag. pp. 99 - 107.
Atherton, MA., Tesch, K. and Collins, MW. (2002) 'Effects of stents under asymmetric inflow conditions'. Biorheology, 39 (3-4). pp. 501 - 506. ISSN: 0006-355X
Atherton, MA. and Bates, RA. (2000) 'Bond graph analysis in robust engineering design'. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 16 (4). pp. 325 - 335. ISSN: 0748-8017
Jussel, R. and Atherton, MA. (2000) 'Using QFD improves product development across sites'. Measuring Business Excellence, 4 (1). pp. 28 - 33. ISSN: 1368-3047
Atherton, MA., Doorly, DJ., Collins, MW. and Sigwart, U. (2000) 'A new approach to planning in vitro and in vivo experiments for cardiovascular stents. (2) Planning of experiments'. Internal Medicine : Clinical and Laboratory, 8 (2). pp. 31 - 35. ISSN: 1590-9271
Jussel, R. and Atherton, MA. (2000) 'Improve product development using QFD'. Quality World, 26 (6). pp. 32 - 37. ISSN: 1352-8769
Kennedy, IM., Thomson, E., Atherton, MA. and Rotter, KRG. (1994) 'The use of 3D scanning and surface matching to locate patients undergoing radiotheraphy planning and treatment'.IEE Colloquium on 3D Imaging and Analysis of Depth/Range Images. London , UK. 1 IEEE. pp. 11/1 - 11/8.