Professor Joana Vassilopoulou
Divisional Lead / Professor in Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and Human Resource Management
Ozgoren, C., Karatas Ozkan, M., Özbilgin, M., Kamasak, R., Sayin, E. and Vassilopoulou, J. (2024) 'Refugee entrepreneurs: Typologies of emancipation and impact'. International Small Business Journal, 0 (accepted, in press). ISSN: 0264-6560
Hamza-Orlinska, A., Maj, J., Shantz, A. and Vassilopoulou, J. (2024) ''. Journal of World Business, 59 (2). pp. 101519 - 101519. ISSN: 1090-9516
Groutsis, D., Vassilopoulou, J., Özbilgin, M., Fujimoto, Y. and Mor Barak, M. (2023) ''. Academy of Management Discoveries, 9 (2). pp. 117 - 124.
Kamasak, R., Özbilgin, M., April, K., Yavuz Sercekman, M. and Vassilopoulou, J. (2023) '‘We Can’t Go Back to Normal’: Global Value Chain Approach to Diversity Management in Multinational Enterprises', in Maheshkar, C. and Sharma, V. (eds.) Handbook of Research on Cross-cultural Business and Management. Wilmington, DE, USA : Vernon Press. pp. 229 - 263. ISBN 10: 1-64889-686-3. ISBN 13: 978-1-64889-601-9.
Saba, T., Vassilopoulou, J., Ng, E. and Özbilgin, M. (2022) ''. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 41 (7). pp. 953 - 958. ISSN: 2040-7149
Vassilopoulou, J., Ozbilgin, M., Groutsis, D. and Janroj, K. (2022) ''. Societies, 12 (2). pp. 1 - 16.
Vassilopoulou, J., Kyriakidou, O., Özbilgin, MF. and Groutsis, D. (2022) ''. Human Resource Management Journal, 0 (ahead-of-print). pp. 1 - 15. ISSN: 0954-5395
Fouskas, T., Economou, C., Vassilopoulou, J., Papadopoulou, D., Karabelias, G., Souliotis, K., et al. (2021) 'A Tale of Two Crises: Reception Policy and Covid-19 Management Regarding Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees', in Fouskas, T. (ed.) Immigrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Times of Crises: B. An International Handbook on Migration, Asylum, Social Integration and Exclusion. Athens, Greece : European Public Law Organization Publications. , B. ISBN 10: 618-5417-12-X. ISBN 13: 978-618-5417-12-3.
Vassilopoulou, J., Ozbilgin, M., Groutsis, D. and Kyriakidou, O. (2019) ''. Work, Employment and Society, 34 (5). pp. 864 - 882. ISSN: 1469-8722
Vassilopoulou, J., Merx, A. and Bruchhagen, V. (2019) 'An Overview of Diversity Policies in the Public and Private Sector That Seek to Increase the Representation of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in the Workplace: The Case of Germany', in Vassilopoulou, J., Brabet, J. and Shovumni, V. (eds.) Race Discrimination and Management of Ethnic Diversity and Migration at Work European Countries’ Perspectives. Emerald. pp. 59 - 79.
Vassilopoulou, J. and Julienne, B. (2019) 'Setting the Context of Race Discrimination at Work in the European Union', in Vassilopoulou, J., Brabet, J. and Shovumni, V. (eds.) Race Discrimination and Management of Ethnic Diversity and Migration at Work.European Countries’ Perspectives. Emerald. , 6. pp. 1 - 13.
Vassilopoulou, J., Brabet, J. and Showunmi, V. (2019) 'Race Discrimination and Management of Ethnic Diversity and Migration at Work European Countries' Perspectives'. Emerald Group Publishing. ISSN 10: 178714593X ISSN 13: 9781787145931
Vassilopoulou, J., Samaluk, B. and Seierstad, C. (2019) 'Balancing inflows and outflows in the European context', inInternational Human Resource Management. Cambridge University Press. pp. 194 - 213. ISBN 13: 9781107669543.
Vassilopoulou, J., Kyriakidou, O., Georgiadou, A., Mor Barak, M. and da Rocha, JP. (2018) ''. European Management Review, 16 (4). pp. 837 - 845. ISSN: 1740-4754
Vassilopoulou, J., Ozbilgin, M., Tatli, A., Pinnington, A. and Alshamsi, H. (2018) 'Macro talent management in the United Arab Emirates: Developing more informative government perspectives', in Vaiman, V., Sparrow, P., Schuler, R. and Collings, D. (eds.) Macro Talent Management in Emerging and Emergent Markets A Global Perspective. Routledge. pp. 167 - 190. ISBN 10: 0429891016.
Vassilopoulou, J. and Ozbilgin, M. (2018) 'Relational Methods in Organization Studies: a critical overview', in Ciesielska, M. and Jemielniak, D. (eds.) Qualitative Research in Organization Studies: New Approaches, Methods and Possibilities. Volume 2: Methods and Possibilities. Palgrave. , II. pp. 151 - 179. ISBN 13: 9783319654416.
Özbilgin, M. and Vassilopoulou, J. (2017) 'Relational methods in organization studies: A critical overview', inQualitative Methodologies in Organization Studies. Springer International Publishing. , 2. pp. 151 - 177. ISBN 13: 9783319654416.
Vassilopoulou, J. (Accepted) 'Diversity management as window dressing. A case study from Germany', in Ozbilgin, M. and Chanlat, JF. (eds.) Management and diversity: main issues and challenges. Emerald.
Vassilopoulou, J., Ozbilgin, M., Tatli, A., Pinnington, A. and Alshamsi, A. (2016) 'Identifying Effective Talent Management Policies and Practices in the United Arabic Emirates', in Christiansen, B. and Erdogdu, M. (eds.) Comparative Economic Perspectives on Europe and the MENA Region. IGI Global: Hershey, PA.
Vassilopoulou, J., Da Rocha, JP., Kyriakidou, O., April, K. and Ozbilgin, M. (2016) 'Does the on-going global economic crisis put diversity gains at risk? International examples from the USA, South Africa and Greece', in Prescott, J. (ed.) Handbook of Research on Race, Gender, and the Fight for Equality. IGI Global: Hershey, PA.
Pinnington, A., Alshamsi, A., Karatas-Ozkan, M., Nicolopoulou, K., Ozbilgin, M., Tatli, A. and et al. (2015) ''.20th International Scientific Conference "Economics and Management (ICEM)". Kaunas, LITHUANIA. Elsevier BV. pp. 807 - 811. ISSN: 1877-0428
Vassilopoulou, J., Samaluk, B. and Seierstad, C. (2014) 'Balancing inflows and outflows: case study from Europe', in Ozbilgin, M. and Groutsis, D. (eds.) International human resource management. Cambridge University Press.
Tatli, A., Vassilopoulou, J., Özbilgin, M., Forson, C. and Slutskaya, N. (2014) ''. Journal of Small Business Management, 52 (4). pp. 615 - 632. ISSN: 0047-2778
Vassilopoulou, J., Jonsen, K., Özbilgin, M. and Tatli, A. (2014) 'Multiculturalism at work: Examples from the UK and Germany', in Thomas, KM., Plaut, VC. and Tran, NM. (eds.) Diversity Ideologies in Organizations. Routledge. pp. 269 - 379.
Vassilopoulou, J., Ozbilgin, M., Tatli, A., Pinnington, A. and Al Shamsi, A. (2013) 'Movers and shakers of talent management in the UAE'.
Vassilopoulou, J., Da Rocha, JP., April, K., Ozbilgin, M. and Seierstad, C. (2013) 'International diversity management: Examples from the USA, South Africa and Norway', in Christiansen, B. (ed.) Cultural and Technological Influences on Global Business.
Al Ariss, A., Vassilopoulou, J., Özbilgin, MF. and Game, A. (2013) ''. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24 (6). pp. 1236 - 1256. ISSN: 0958-5192
Vassilopoulou, J., Da Rocha, JP., Seierstad, C., April, K. and Ozbilgin, M. (2013) 'International diversity management: Examples from the USA, South Africa, and Norway', inCultural and Technological Influences on Global Business. IGI Global. pp. 14 - 28.
Tatli, A., Vassilopoulou, J. and Özbilgin, M. (2013) ''. International Business Review, 22 (3). pp. 539 - 553. ISSN: 0969-5931
Ozbilgin, M., Jonsen, K., Tatli, A., Vassilopoulou, J. and Surgevil, O. (2013) 'Global diversity management', in Roberson, QM. (ed.) The Oxford handbook of diversity and work. Oxford University Press. ISBN 13: 978-0-19-973635-5.
Tatli, A., Vassilopoulou, J., Al Ariss, A. and Ozbilgin, M. (2012) ''. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 18 (4). pp. 293 - 308. ISSN: 0959-6801
Al Ariss, A., Vassilopoulou, J., Groutsis, D. and Ozbilgin, M. (2012) 'A Multilevel Understanding of the Careers of Minority Ethnic Elites', in Kakabadse, A. and Kakabadse, N. (eds.) Global Elites: The Opaque nature of Transnational Policy Determination. Basingstoke : Palgrave. ISBN 13: 9780230362406.
Ozbilgin, M. and Vassilopoulou, J. (2012) 'Relational methods in organization studies', in Dariusz, J. (ed.) Podręcznik Akademicki. Tom I: Podejścia, Teorie, Problemy. Warszawa : PWN.
Tatli, A., Vassilopoulou, J. and Özbilgin, M. (2012) ''. International Business Review, 22 (3). pp. 539 - 553. ISSN: 0969-5931
Al Ariss, A., Vassilopoulou, J., Groutsis, D. and Ozbilgin, M. (2011) 'A Multilevel Understanding of the Careers of Minority Ethnic Elites', in Kakabadse, A. and Kakabadse, N. (eds.) Global Elites: The Opaque nature of Transnational Policy Determination. Basingstoke: Palgrave. pp. 241 - 261. ISBN 13: 9781349326556.
Vassilopoulou, J. and Ozbilgin, M. (2011) 'Talent management in emerging economies'.
Vassilopoulou, J. (2011) ': Understanding the habitus of managing diversity in Germany'. PhD Thesis.
Vassilopoulou, J. (2007) 'Gender & Diversity Changes Organizations'. Femina Politica: Zeitschrift fuer feministische Politik-Wissenschaft. ISSN: 0943-3767
Vassilopoulou, J. and Merx, A. (2007) 'The AGG from an employment law perspective', in Bruchhagen, V., Koall, I. and Hoher, F. (eds.) Diversity Outlooks – Managing Diversity between Business Case and Ethics. LIT-Verlag.
Vassilopoulou, J., Berendt, U. and Baumer, J. (2006) 'Diversity, discrimination and anti-discrimination in Germany'.