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Professor James Staples
Professor - Anthropology

Marie Jahoda 221

  • Anthropology
  • Social Science and Communications

Staples, J. (2025) 'Disabling Stories and Tales of Disability: Making Sense of Narratives in South India', in Sati, S., Das, S. and Mahanta, B. (eds.) Narratives of Disability: Global Perspectives. Springer.

Book chapter

Staples, J. (2025) 'Food, Place, and Personhood in South India: The Limits of Terroir', in Colquhoun, A. and Graf, K. (eds.) Beyond Terroir: Tasting Place and Placing Taste in Global Perspective. Oxford : Berghahn.

Book chapter

Staples, J. (2024) ''. Medical Anthropology Quarterly: international journal for the cultural and social analysis of health, 0 (ahead of print). pp. 1 - 13. ISSN: 0745-5194

Journal article

Friedner, M. and Staples, J. (2024) 'Disability on the Move: Disabled Mobilities in Contemporary India', in Linder, B. and Bedi, T. (eds.) South Asia on the Move: Mobilities, Mobilizations, Maneuvers. Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press. pp. 179 - 198. ISBN 10: 90-485-5777-1. ISBN 13: 978-94-6372-649-8.

Book chapter

Staples, J. and Marsland, R. (2024) ''. Medical Anthropology: cross-cultural studies in health and illness, 43 (1). pp. 1 - 4. ISSN: 0145-9740

Journal article

Staples, J. (2023) 'Making up leprosy in India', in Mizuho, M., Sae, N. and Kenta, F. (eds.) Life, Illness and Death in Contemporary South Asia: Living through the Age of Hope and Precariousness.. London : Routledge. pp. 17 - 29. ISBN 10: 1-003-31651-4. ISBN 13: 978-1-032-32744-0.

Book chapter

Staples, J. and Marsland, R. (2023) ''. Medical Anthropology: cross-cultural studies in health and illness, 42 (1). pp. 1 - 3. ISSN: 0145-9740

Journal article

Staples, J. (2022) ''. Anthropology Today, 38 (6). pp. 27 - 27. ISSN: 0268-540X

Journal article

Staples, J. and Marsland, R. (2022) ''. Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness, 41 (1). pp. 1 - 3. ISSN: 0145-9740

Journal article

Marsland, R. and Staples, J. (2021) ''. Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness, 40 (1). pp. 1 - 2. ISSN: 0145-9740

Journal article

Staples, J. (2020) 'Sacred Cows and Chicken Manchurian: The Everyday Politics of Eating Meat in India'. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Press. ISSN 10: 0295747870 ISSN 13: 978-0295747873


Staples, J. (2019) ''. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 42 (6). pp. 1125 - 1140. ISSN: 0085-6401

Journal article

Staples, J. (2018) ''. Contributions to Indian Sociology, 52 (2). pp. 129 - 155. ISSN: 0069-9667

Journal article

Staples, J. (2018) 'Appropriating the Cow: Beef and Identity Politics in Contemporary India', in Bhushi, K. (ed.) Farm to Fingers: The Culture and Politics of Food in Contemporary India. Cambridge University Press. pp. 58 - 79.

Book chapter

Staples, J. and Klein, JK. (2017) 'Introduction: Consumer and Consumed'. Ethnos: journal of anthropology, 72 (2). ISSN: 1469-588X

Journal article

Staples, J. (2017) 'Beef and beyond: exploring the meat consumption practices of Christians in India'. Ethnos: journal of anthropology, 72 (2). ISSN: 1469-588X

Journal article

Staples, J. (2016) '‘We are one caste, one disease, and one religion’: biographies of Christian conversion in a South Indian leprosy colony'', in Malekandathil, P., Pachuau, JLK. and Sarkar, T. (eds.) Christianity in Indian History: Issues of Culture, Power and Knowledge. Primus. ISBN 10: 9384092282. ISBN 13: 978-9384092283.

Book chapter

Staples, J. and Mehrotra, N. (2016) 'Disability Studies: Developments in Anthropology', in Grech, S. and Soldatic, K. (eds.) Disability in the Global South: the critical handbook. Springer. , International Perspectives on Social Policy, Administration, and Practice. pp. 35 - 49. ISBN 13: 978-3-319-42486-6.

Book chapter

Staples, J. (2016) 'Leprosy's Journey in India', in Medcalf, A., Saavedra, M., Romera Sa, M. and Bhattacharya, S. (eds.) Leprosy: A Short History. Hyderabad, India : Orient BlackSwan. pp. 76 - 86.

Book chapter

Staples, J. (2016) 'Food, Commensality and Caste in South Asia', in Klein, JA. and Watson, JL. (eds.) The Handbook of Food and Anthropology. Bloomsbury. pp. 74 - 93. ISBN 13: 9780857855947.

Book chapter

Smith, K., Staples, J. and Rapport, N. (2015) 'Extraordinary Encounters Authenticity and the Interview'. ISSN 10: 1782385894 ISSN 13: 9781782385899


Staples, J. (2015) 'An ‘Up and Down Life’: Understanding Leprosy through Biography', in Staples, J., Smith, K. and Rapport, N. (eds.) Extraordinary Encounters: Authenticity and the Interview. Oxford : Berghahn Books. , 28. pp. 60 - 82.

Book chapter

Staples, J. and Smith, K. (2015) 'Introduction: The Interview as Analytical Category', in Staples, J., Smith, K. and Rapport, N. (eds.) Extraordinary Encounters: Authenticity and the Interview. Oxford : Berghahn Books. , 28. pp. 1 - 18.

Book chapter

Staples, J. (2015) 'Personhood, agency and suicide in a neo-liberalising South India.', in Broz, L. and Muenster, D. (eds.) Suicide and Agency: Anthropological perspectives on self-destruction, personhood and power. Farnham : Ashgate. pp. 27 - 46.

Book chapter

Staples, J. (2014) 'Leprosy and a life in South India: journeys with a Tamil Brahmin'. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. ISSN 13: 978-0-7391-8734-0


Staples, J. (2014) ''. Modern Asian Studies, 48 (4). pp. 1134 - 1159. ISSN: 0026-749X

Journal article

Staples, J. (2014) ''. Medical Anthropology, 33 (1). pp. 6 - 20. ISSN: 0145-9740

Journal article

Staples, J. (2014) 'Civilizing Tastes: From Caste to Class in South Indian Foodways', in Klein, JA. and Murcott, A. (eds.) Food Consumption in Global Perspective: Essays in the Anthropology of Food in Honour of Jack Goody. New York : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 65 - 86.

Book chapter

Staples, J. (2012) ''. Medical Anthropology Quarterly: international journal for the cultural and social analysis of health, 26 (4). pp. 557 - 574. ISSN: 0745-5194

Journal article

Staples, J. (2012) ''. Contributions to Indian Sociology, 46 (1-2). pp. 117 - 144. ISSN: 0069-9667

Journal article

Staples, J. (2012) 'Ethnographies of Suicide (Special Issue of 'Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry'. Springer.


Staples, J. and Widger, T. (2012) ''. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 36 (2). pp. 183 - 203. ISSN: 0165-005X

Journal article

Staples, J. (2012) 'Suicide in South Asia: Ethnographic Perspectives (Special issue of Contributions to Indian Sociology)'. Delhi: Sage.


Staples, J. (2012) 'Contributions to Indian Sociology: Suicide in South Asia: Ethnographic perspectives (special issue)'.

Scholarly Edition

Staples, J. (2012) 'Suicide in South Asia: Ethnographic perspectives'. Contributions to Indian Sociology, 46 (1-2). pp. 1 - 28. ISSN: 0069-9667

Journal article

Staples, J. (2011) 'Ethnographies of suicide in South Asia'. Contributions to Indian Sociology, forthcoming 2012. ISSN: 0069-9667

Journal article

Staples, J. (2011) ''. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 17 (3). pp. 545 - 562. ISSN: 1359-0987

Journal article

Staples, J. (2011) 'Leprosy and stigma'. Leprosy Review, 82 (2). ISSN: 0305-7518

Journal article

Staples, J. (2011) 'Interrogating leprosy 'stigma': Why qualitative insights are vital'. Leprosy Review, 82 (2). pp. 91 - 97. ISSN: 0305-7518

Journal article

Staples, J. (2011) 'Nuancing 'leprosy stigma' through ethnographic biography in South India'. Leprosy Review, 82 (2). pp. 109 - 123. ISSN: 0305-7518

Journal article

Staples, J. (2009) 'Body', in Barnard, AJ. and Spencer, J. (eds.) The Routledge encyclopedia of social and cultural anthropology. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 10: 0415409780. ISBN 13: 9780415409780.

Book chapter

Staples, J. (2008) ''. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 31 (1). pp. 36 - 55. ISSN: 0085-6401

Journal article

Staples, J. (2007) 'Livelihoods at the margins: Surviving the city'. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. ISSN 10: 1598742736 ISSN 13: 978-1-59874-273-2


Staples, J. (2007) 'Peculiar people, amazing lives: leprosy, social exclusion and community making in South India'. New Delhi: Orient Longman. ISSN 10: 8125029869 ISSN 13: 978-81-250-2986-1


Staples, J. (2007) 'When things are not as they seem: Untangling the webs that hold together a South Indian NGO', in Smith, M. (ed.) Negotiating Boundaries and Borders: Qualitative Methodology and Development Research. Oxford : Elsevier. , 8. pp. 131 - 154. ISBN 10: 0762312831. ISBN 13: 978-0762312832.

Book chapter

Staples, J. (2007) 'The “leper” and the State in South India'. Economic and Political Weekly: a journal of current economic and political affairs. ISSN: 0012-9976

Journal article

Staples, J. (2005) 'Leprosy in South India: The paradox of disablement as enablement'. Review of Disability Studies, 1 (4). pp. 13 - 28. ISSN: 1553-3697

Journal article

Staples, J. (2005) ''. Contributions to Indian Sociology, 39 (2). pp. 279 - 305. ISSN: 0069-9667

Journal article

Staples, J. (2004) ''. Medical Anthropology: cross-cultural studies in health and illness, 23 (1). pp. 69 - 88. ISSN: 0145-9740

Journal article

Staples, J. (2003) ''. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 9 (2). pp. 295 - 315. ISSN: 1359-0987

Journal article

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