Anthropology Autumn Term Seminars 2017

All seminars take place on Tuesdays at 1pm in 239 Gaskell Building

‘Beauty and Captivation: Fuyuge gab and Gell’s anthropological theory of art’

Eric Hirsch (Brunel)

Week 2: 3 October

 ‘Tea trade from China to West Africa’

Ute Roschenthaler (Frankfurt)

Week 3: 10 October

‘Crisis as resource: entrepreneurship and motorcycle taxi drivers in Kigali’

Will Rollason (Brunel)

Week 4: 17 October

'The Saint, the City, and The Forest: Messianic Landscapes in Northern Angola'

Ramon Sarro (Oxford)

Week 5: 24 October

'Hope in the Market: Reconciling Self-Interest and Altruism among Millennials'

Jessica Chelekis (Brunel)

Week 6: 31 October

Elizabeth Kirtsoglou (Durham) Title: TBC

Week 8: 14 November

‘Matters of classification: nature naturalised and denaturalised in contemporary taxidermy’

Petra Kalshoven (Manchester)

Week 9: 21 November

‘Frightened to Death, Frightened to Life: “Magical” Fright and Human-Animal Relations in Southeastern Bolivia’

Veronika Groke

Week 10: 28 November

 'Too cute to cuddle? "Witnessing publics" and interspecies relations on the social media-scape of orangutan conservation'

Liana Chua (Brunel)

Week 11: 5 December