Law alumna pursues career as a Judge for the Judicial Authority in Jordan

Law alumna pursues career as a Judge for the Judicial Authority in Jordan

Published: 13 Mar 2023

Sewar Al-rashdan

The learning environment at Brunel gave me the opportunity to consider how I wanted to shape my career and contributed to my breadth of knowledge, interpersonal skills, values, critical thinking and practical competence.

Sewar, Postgraduate, Alumni

Judge, Judicial Authority in Jordan

Intellectual Property Law LLM - 2009

From Jordan

Tell us about your career journey since you graduated…

After I graduated from Brunel, I studied at the Judicial Institute of Jordan for two years, and in 2012 I became a Judge at Amman Magistrate Court specialising in intellectual property cases, extradition cases, human trafficking cases, health, food, medicine and environmental violations. I have also been a member of the Arab Women Legal Network since 2010.

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

Interpreting the law; assessing the evidence presented; controlling how hearings and trials unfold in the courtroom; making decisions in the pursuit of justice in what is known as an adversarial system of justice where legal cases are contests between opposing sides; ensuring that evidence and legal arguments will be fully and forcefully presented; and offering excellent mediation skills to resolve discovery disputes and promote settlements between the disputants.

What’s been the highlight of your career so far?

I was nominated by the Netherlands Embassy in Jordan to participate in the Influential’s programme - MENA Women Judges (from Jordan ,Lebanon, Palestine, Kuwait, Iraq, Kurdistan region, Yemen, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, United Arab of Emirates and Egypt) - which was organised by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was held in the Hague in March 2020. During this time they organised a ‘Hague Talks’ event on the occasion of International Women's Day; I was chosen as one of three female Judges out of the 12 participants to speak about my experience on how female Judges contribute to justice and equality in the MENA region.

How would you say Brunel helped you to get where you are today?

The learning environment at Brunel gave me the opportunity to consider how I wanted to shape my career. The experience I gained from my one year of study was invaluable, as Brunel contributed to my breadth of knowledge, interpersonal skills, values, critical thinking and practical competence.

Why did you choose to study at Brunel and why would you recommend Brunel to others?

It’s been great studying at Brunel. It is one of the best universities in UK with the best facilities. It is a perfect place to both learn and socialise. The lecturers are friendly, and the students are welcoming, especially at the beginning of the study year. The atmosphere is one of a kind, it really makes you feel welcome and a part of the Brunel family from day one. I have met many people and formed what I think will be long lasting friendships.

What is your best memory of studying here?

I have many good memories from the University. Many of my colleagues became close friends, and we spent countless pleasant moments not only in classrooms but also in the dorm.

If you could give one piece of advice to new students, what would that be?

Set high personal and academic standards for yourself and live up to them.

What would be your top tip or advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey?

Be positive, principled, pro-active, and productive. Be open to change, remember that every moment is an opportunity to learn from everyone around you, and never stop learning.
