Meet our Brunel Business alumna now working in sustainability in the luxury fashion industry

Meet our Brunel Business alumna now working in sustainability in the luxury fashion industry

Published: 13 Mar 2023

Paola Toska

My Brunel degree equipped me with a broad knowledge and appreciation of issues faced in the world of business.

Paola, Undergraduate, Alumni

Responsibility Project Manager, Burberry Ltd

Marketing BSc - 2019

From UK

Tell us about your educational and/or career journey since you graduated from Brunel?

After I graduated from Brunel, I was offered an MSc in Sustainable Resources at UCL. Since then I've been working in sustainability in the luxury fashion industry for famous fashion houses such as Alexander McQueen and Burberry.

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

As a Responsibility Project Manager, I support and look after Burberry’s carbon and energy agenda including managing Burberry’s roadmap to Climate Positive by 2040 and annual reporting of carbon and energy. I am also responsible for the collection, management and assurance of Burberry’s global energy and carbon data and responsible for contributing to any external reporting requirements such as CDP, TCFD and RE100.

How would you say your Brunel experience has helped you to get where you are today?

My Brunel degree equipped me with a broad knowledge and appreciation of issues faced in the world of business. I gained analytical, technical and interpersonal skills required to understand, analyse and address the challenges faced by today’s companies. Additionally, during my time at Brunel I was exposed to a wide selection of clubs and societies (sports, volunteering, etc) which shaped my interpersonal and team working skills as well as building the foundations to understand and appreciate the foundations of inclusion and diversity.

What is your best memory of studying here?

I made friends for life at Brunel. My best memory of my time in Brunel has to be the volleyball games with my team, the long drives to away matches and the team dinners together. I am grateful for joining such an inclusive and collaborative university.

If you could give one piece of advice to current Brunel students, what would that be?

Join as many clubs and societies as you can, get involved, and give your contribution. There is something for everyone! (and if there isn't, help create it!).

What would be your top tip or key advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey after leaving Brunel?

Do not stress about finding an occupation straight away. Take time to understand your priorities and what you like / don't like. Don't rush things, don't feel incomplete, enjoy every step of the way.
